Chapter 20

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Lexi’s POV

“Mmmmm” I groan as my alarm goes off. I had a short shift today so today will be not that bad. I decided after work I would maybe go get more concealer for my tattoo. I haven’t told anyone about it and I covered it when I was with Jimin so he never saw it either. I just wanted to see it’s beauty myself before the world judges it. I kinda forgot I had a tattoo. I want another one. Maybe i’ll get another today. I get up and get dressed in my uniform and head to work. It was a saturday and this is the less busy days. “Hey Lexi, we need you in the back!” Jeydan yells at me running in and out of the shop. “Got it boss.” I mumble. I check in then put my badge on. “Hey.” J Hope hugs me and kisses my forehead. “So, what needs to be done?” I ask. It looked like he was stalking some things and refilling also. “Well I need some boxes organized by serial numbers and then that's all.” I go over to the boxes and he continues to do his job.

“So um summer is almost over.” I hum in response. Yes, it is. And it was sad to think we had wasted our summer doing nothing but destroying ourselves. “Yeah, the days have gone by so fast huh?”

“I was wondering, Namjoon had booked a vacation in america at a beach for the rest of the summer. I was wondering if you wanted to come. The boys are going, Kylie, Maryanna.” I pause what I was doing and bite the dry skin on my lip thinking. “For two months?”

“Well, kind of. We will be there for a month then the rest of the month we are going to prepare for tour. Turns out we have less relaxing time. Bang PD had booked a tour and its worldwide. So we need to work and practice before then.” I slowly nod my head and return to my job. I had less than a month to get my shit together. I had a month left until phone calls, video calls, and messages are a option to talk to the boys. I remember when Hobi was showing me around Korea then had to leave all the time because he had practice so I rarely seen him around. I only got to see him at the cafe when we had shifts together. It pained me to know that soon I will have to start something in a month. When I first come here I had applied to a photography class and writing class, so I could get a better job then working as a dumb waitress at a small cafe.

I always loved taking pictures and editing and writing. And the classes start after summer is over so around august I will be pretty much in school again. Maryanna is almost done with college. She will be graduating after summer. Things were happening so fast that I had realized i’m just wasting my life on destroying myself and others. I need to get my shit together. I thought about going to a facility for a few weeks but then I would have to be suicidal or homicidal.

Thought about it then ehhhh no thank you.

“Yeah I guess i’ll go. When do I need to buy tickets?” he shakes his head and puts his hands out. “He already has the tickets just be ready and packed by tomorrow, we leave monday morning.” I sigh. “Okay well my shift is almost over, i’m going to go. I have some places to be, i'll see you later J Hope.” he hugs me then takes me by the shoulders. “I just want you to know that I care about you, but if you feel anything wrong with our relationship… please tell me before I fall deeper.” he whispers quietly kissing me on the lips softly. It was passionate and slow. He left me alone and frozen in my spot. It didn’t feel the same. He wasn’t Jimin. I didn’t feel the sparks. The euphoric feeling you’re suppose to feel. He probably did, but I didn’t. And I felt so bad. He knows I can’t love him that way. But I need this void feeling to be filled. My heart has a hole and it needs to be filled. I love you Park Jimin and it’s killing me.


Namjoon’s POV

“Stooopppp!!!” I whined. Maryanna and I were having a lazy day in my room before we have to pack and stuff for the vacation. “MARYANNA STAAAPPP.” she kept on jabbing her fingers under my knee and ticking me. “I SWEAR I'LL FART ON YOU! THE TURTLE IS PEAKING!!!” she laughs hard and quickly retrieves her hand. “You wouldn’t Joonie, you’re to nice.” I narrow my eyes at her. “Bet.” she gives that ‘come at me hoe’ look. “You asked for it.” I grab her and slam her on the bed, pinning her under me and sitting on her lap. “No! Joonie! I’m sorry!!! I swear!! Please nooo!!!” after her beginning, I let it rip. I think I may have shit myself but yolo. She scrunch backs her face and makes the most horrified face ever. She covers her nose and glares at me. “Don’t test me and maybe i’ll just sneeze on you next time.”

“Awwe i’m sowwwy baby!!” I say and kiss her nose. “Sometimes I wonder how you have a girlfriend, then I have to remember that I am the girlfriend and ask myself why i’m with you. But when I ask that my answer is that I love you.” I smile and kiss her cheeks. “Even my farts?” I ask making a pouty face. She sighs, rolling her eyes. “Yes, even your farts.” I smile and give her a small peck and turn my head back to the T.V. I haven’t really gotten to see Maryanna since she is trying to finish school and study so she can pass her exams. Which I don’t mind because I am so proud of her. She had worked for so long and even gotten so stressed over time. I’m proud that she has made it this far. I just hate that I won’t see her for six months when tour starts. I’ll miss her soooo much.

“Joonie?” I hum in response, my attention still on the T.V. “how do you feel about Hoseok and Lexi dating?” I turn my head towards her. She was twiddling her thumbs and biting her lip as if she was thinking about something more than Hoseok and Lexi. I feel like she had more to say about it then ask how I felt. “I don’t approve of it. Period. I understand what Jimin was doing was wrong and she was at fault too. But Jimin gave her a chance and she threw it away. I honestly think she is lost.. But I believe in Lexi so I think she will realize that Jimin is nothing without her. That he deep down loves her soo fucking much. I think she is afraid that it’s all fake.”

“Yeah, I just think she should just talk to Hoseok and Jimin alone and straighten things out. At least before the trip. I mean maybe during but I plan on talking to her about it. I knew something was going to go wrong the minute you told me about Jimin’s past. But he’s changed alot for her and she won’t even stop and appreciate that he hasn’t went to another girl since the whole fight between them.”

“I think they should all figure it out themselves, so they can learn from their mistakes. Lets just relax and not worry to much about it babe, okay?” she nods and snuggles into me.

“I love you Joonie.” I kiss her forehead and smile. “I love you too Mare.”


Lexi’s POV

Today was sunday. The day before we leave to america for the trip. Mare called me late last night about how I should straighten out my crap before things get worse. So I am going to talk to Jimin and Hoseok together WHEN I get the guts to. Because me and Hobi might not be together after this. He loves me so much and I can’t return his feelings. Where did I go wrong? What happened to me? Why am I like this? I had realized that I would be wearing a swimsuit so it’s no use to try and conceal my tattoo. I’ll just tell them the truth. I was getting ready to leave to the Bangtan dorms. We were all going to stay the night there and leave together tomorrow so we will know that no one is late or missing. I gathered my stuff and as I picked up my jacket a note falls out. I furrow my eyebrows and pick it up. I open it and the front said my name. I open it fully and it said.

Lexi, my dear daughter. I had realized that your father was going to Korea and so I am writing this note to have him give you. I know he would visit you so maybe he would slip this in your pocket or give it to you. I don’t know when you read this and don’t know if you will contact me by the time i'm gone. I didn’t want your father to tell you so I decided to tell you myself.

You can die anytime you want baby. You have that choice to let things go. And after all it’s my time baby girl. After you had left to Korea, I had been diagnosed with lung cancer. I know, I know. Momma our relationship wasn’t really tight? Why tell me now? Because, somethings are meant to stay quiet. Somethings are meant to never be told. We weren’t close. And I know. I just wanted to tell you. Whatever you go through, I know you will make the right choices. You were always my brightest child. You are at the age to know what to do. I believe in you sweet heart. Im pretty positive by the time you read this im gone. My daughter, make the right choice. I know you know what you want. I love you babygirl.

Love, mom

Tears trail down my face. why?

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