Chapter 23

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Lexi’s POV

It was time to go and do the activity Jin wanted us to do. He had us eat breakfast together at the cafe then go to our cabins and change into something for the hot weather because we are going hiking. I pull on some shorts and a shirt, wearing my white converse. I walk to the front of the cabin and Jimin walks out. It felt like everything was slow mo. you know? When a guy sees a hot girl strutting her stuff and they stare and things are in slow mo while sexy music plays in the background. Yeah, exactly like that. He had his hair split, his red hair showing his forehead. He was wearing a white shirt that hugged his body in different ways but still baggy at the same time. Washed out ripped skinny jeans that REALLY hugged his thighs…. I don’t know why but his thighs looked reallllllyyyy nice in those jeans. He put on his rings which looked really good on him. And to top off his look he had on circled framed sunglasses.

“Sugar toots if you keep looking at me like that we’re going to be late.” I gulp as my face heats up. “Right.” he chuckles and we walk to the central plaza. “Okay are we all here?” we all say yes as we didn’t want this. I grab my bag which had important stuff like a book for when we go on breaks, water bottles, and important stuff. It’s been ten minutes and i’m already sweaty, thank god I remembered to bring perfume and deodorant. Sweat was dripping down my face and my legs hurt from walking up the hills. Jin and Namjoon were having the times of their lives while the rest of us were dying. Except that J Hope and Jimin were acting like they were fine even though they were sweating. “Jin hyung, I think I might be dying. I didn’t bring water.” I grab water from my bag and hand it to Jungkook. “Here Kookie I brought enough for everyone.” he says thank you and chugs all of the water. “Can we please at least go and rest somewhere?”

“Stop your whining, we’re here anyways.” Jin had brought us all the way up this hill and on a big rock. I hand everyone a water and sit next to a tree. A breeze comes and I sink into it. Taking in the cool air. “Are you okay Lexi? You look really sweaty and hot.” Taehyung asks. I shake my head and wave my hand off. “I’m fine, I just need to sit and take a break.” he nods. I grab the rest of my water and pour it all over me. I didn’t even care if my clothes were wet. It was hotter than a mother trucker and I needed it. I shiver as the cold water goes down my chest and into my shirt hitting my stomach and some spilling into my lap. “Dang Lex, straight to the point huh?” I nod. “It’s hot.” I started to feel dizzy but I shake it off. The sun was beating on my skin making me feel more hot, but the cold water made it better. “Tae… I don’t feel so-” I hurl over the side of the rock. Vomiting up all the water I consumed. “Lexi!!” everyone crowded around me, making sure if I was okay. “I’m fine, i’m fine. I actually feel better.” they all scrunch their faces.

“Puking made you feel better?” Yoongi asks. “It was hot and I drunk a lot of water, I guess my stomach couldn’t handle much.” they nod. “Maybe we should head back and hike another day.”

“No, Jin you wanted to do this and we will.” he shakes his head immediately. “I can’t risk you guys falling out and getting sick, come one guys we should go get lunch. Meet us at the cafe in two hours. I look at my phone. It was 10am. I had time to cool off. “I didn’t see Jimin around after everyone left so I figured he was at the bottom of the hill with the others. I go all the way down the hill, trying to avoid any type of falling. I want to get down there fast but I don’t feel like rolling down the hill. I hear rustling in the bushes and stop in my tracks. “Jimin?” I yell out. I was hoping Jimin was being an ass and trying to scare me. I heard the rustling again. All I could do was sit there and stare at the spot on the bush. “J-Jimin?” I hear a low, deep hiss. That's when a big snake slithers it’s way towards me. “JIMINNNNNNNNN!!!!!!!!!” I start to run as fast as I can, trying to find Jimin. I was actually scared that I started to cry, I didn’t know why but I was. “JIMIN HELP.” I didn’t know If I lost the snake but I kept on running and screaming. As I was running I trip over a stick and started to roll down hill with a omph! I groan as I land near a tree. I look over to see Jimin running towards me. “Lexi!” he kneels by me. “Are you okay?? Hear let me carry you to the cabin.” he picks me up bridal style and walk out of the woods and towards the cabin. “I thought you were already at the cabin?” I asked. I was groaning because of the sharp pain in my knee. “I was waiting for you, the others already left then I heard you screaming for me so I tried finding you, what happened?” he asks as we enter the cabin.

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