Chapter 10

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Lexi's POV

"Fuck you! You were never there for me! All you cared about was hiding your boyfriend from me and, and just being an ass! You never cared about what i wanted!"

Tears stream down my face. She had the guts to tell me I can't do this but she can do this. Im a grown ass woman. Maybe I was a little tipsy.

"Lexi, please calm do-"


Jimin decided we go to a club and have a little fun. Maryanna didn't like that idea. I have no idea what she has against him. There is nothing wrong he did. What did he ever do to her?

"You guys have been acting wierd. Cage your heart this, cage your heart that! Don't get to close! Blah blah blah."

"What do you guys have agaisnt Jimin?" They all look down, sighing.

Jimin looked at them, grabbing my hand and squeezing it slightly.

"Lexi, we... Do you like him?"

That question had never crossed my mind. Did I like him? Was the non existent feelings appearing? No. Notta.  I just want to know why Jimin is such a bad person.

"Whats going on here? How about we all go outside." Kylie was here. Namjoon called her. We were all outside now. Namjoon explained the story to Kylie.

She face palms, sighing and shaking her head.

"Okay, okay. Lexi? One question that really needs to be answered. And it needs to be answered honestly. Do you have any, and I mean ANY type of feelings for Jimin?"

Tears slip from my eye. The past weeks with him were amazing. We had gotten closer and closer..

"When I first seen Jimin, which was at the movie's, I was attracted to him. I wanted to impress him. But now that I know him. Some... Of him. I can't bring myslef to like him. No Not like. Not one bit."

Jimin looked pained but not fased. That comfused me. Did he care?

"But, the closer I got to him, the more intrigued I was. Hearing his past or how he became apart of Bangtan. I feel like, maybe they're is sometbing there. But I don't feel it. But that's not the thing! Why is he such a bad person even if I was to 'fall in love'."

I shake my head. "You know what. I'm going home, come on Jimin." I grab Jimins hand walking to my car.

Kylie's POV

"what the hell happened? You said it has gotten out of control, what did you mean Namjoon?"

"They were about to start swinging on eachother."

"Im going home. I have work. You guys figure it yourselves."

Lexi's POV

the car ride was silent. Jimins window was down so all you heard was the night breez.

"Where are you sleeping tonight?" I was taking my shoes off and about to go to bed.

"Is that how you feel about me?" I furrow my eyebrows in confusion.

"What do you mean?" Jimin walks towards me.

"Do you feel anything for me? I mean you said something is probably there, but you don't feel it. Were you just covering up your feeling?"

I look down at my intertwined fingers. "The real question is, how do you feel about me?"

I look up. And all I know if soft lips smashed agaisnt mine.


Taehyungs POV

"Jungkook, maybe you shouldn't try so hard. I mean she could find you annoying." He tightens his grip on the controller. Me and Jungkook had went home after the club to just relax amd play video games. He went on and on and on about this dumb girl.

"Yeah, but dont girls like when a guy tries really hard to win her over?"
I shrug. I really didn't care I just don't want him interested in that girl. "I mean what if she is the one? That one thing I will never know if I let her go."

Yeah. And one thing you'll never know is how deeply im in love with you.

"Maybe you should just give it a break. Why don't you play hard to get?"

"I don't know. I'm just not that type I guess."

Not that type my ass. You're playing hard to be gay!! One thing no one knows is that im into boys. I went through a rough year and figured out girls never crossed my mind. But kookie did. He always does. He was like a never ending dream. And the sad part is. He is so caught up in this girl a met a few weeks ago. All I can do is sit here and watch him get to know her anf probably grow feelings for her.

Before thats happens. I hope to confess my true and honest feelings for him.

Maybe he'll except me.

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