Chapter 7

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Lexi's POV

"I dare you to kiss me."

My eyes widen... Shit... Is this worth taking two shots and removing a piece of my clothing. He never said which peice though... Oh god.. My mind was racing. I had no idea what to do. I was scared. I looked around the room. Everyone was staring at me, waiting for an answer.

"Lexi, either you kiss me or you do the shots and all." I looked at Mare. She gave me the 'do it' look. Kylie bursted in the room with Yoongi. "I heard someone is kissing someone, is it lexi? Is she actually going to get action in her life for once?"

Rolling my eyes I look at Jimin. He wasn't paying attention at all. I guess no one cared. I looked at Jungkook.

"I'll take the dare." Everyone was suprised. Jimin looked up smirking at Jungkook. They looked like they were talking telepathically. "Oooo lexi get it!!"

Kylie is so drunk... I scoot over to Jungkook. He had fire in his eyes. What ever happened to my cute bunny? I take Jungkooks face in my hands inching his lips to mine. I could feel his hot breath against my face. Smelt like alcohol. His lips brush against mine.

"STOP!" I pull away jumping. I search for the voice. Jimin was holding Jungkooks shoulder. "What Jimin!?!"

I was confused. Jimin grabs Jungkook taking him outside the room.

"Okay! Lexi. Do you want to continue?" I nod. We continue the game. Leaving me confused for the rest of the night.

The sunlight sweeps across the window blinding me. Pain shoots through my head making me groan.

"Oh shit..." I look over at the clock beside me. It was only 6:30 AM. I turn over hoping if I go back to Sleep, my headache will go away. I close my eyes. almost into slumber when out of no where I hear a deep low groan.

My eyes shoot open. My arms were secured around a shirtless muscular waist. I hold my breath. I slowly look up, my eyes trailing up the half naked man only to lock eyes with Jimin.

"Morning." I didnt answer. I lift up the covers. Phew. My clothes are still on and he was only in his boxers. I quickly scoot away from him looking around at my surroundings. I wasn't in my room. I was in one of Kylie's guest rooms. Did I not go home? Guess not.

"Hey, get back here.." Jimin was reaching for me. "No, go away." I get up looking for my phone.

"Its 6 in the morning, no one's awake and you should really just get back in bed and sleep off your hang over."

"Or you could hand me a pain killer and tell me how I ended up in bed with you." He groans rolling around. I roll my eyes trying to stifle a laugh.

"Kylie told everyone to stay here sense they were all unstable to drive so we did. You ended up having to many drinks. When I was sleeping you randomly walked in here and flopped on the bed." He explains handing me a pain killer that was set on the night stand.

"Thanks..." I sit on the bed crossing my legs. "What all happned last night? You and Kookie never came back in."

"Oh he decided to go to bed early so i just chilled in the front room." I felt like he was lying. I wanted to know why he didnt let us finish the dare.

"Why did you stop me and Jungkook from kissing?" He paused to answer. Avoiding eye contact. "Oh, you looked really u-uncomfortable so I just stopped it."

"You stuttered pretty boy."

He gasp. "Never!" He hits me on the shoulder. "Ow!!"

"I didnt even hit you that hard!" I throw a pillow at him. "Yes you did!!! Look! You even bruised me!"

"Thats what she said "

I scrunch up my face hitting his shoulder back. "Perv."

"Perv? Oh please, you havn't seen perv just yet." I raise my eyebrow.

"Oh really? I bet your so innocent that you don't even know what a kink is!"

His face went from amused to serious. He lick his lips, pressing his tongue against his cheek. His actions were so fast I didn't know how I ended up under him.

"Oh. I know what a kink is, and i'll be glad to show you one of them." His voice was deep and huskey. His hot breath against my ear making me shiver. He has me pinned, holding my wrist down. I feel his lips brush against my neck, trailing down my throat. My breath hitches. I didn't know what to do. I was speechles. I couldn't react nor move. There was a moist suction against my neck. Jimin leaves small pampered kisses against my neck sucking on my skin every once in awhile not only that nibbling on my skin. I bite my lip from making any type of noise. I have to stop this. I need to stop it now before it escalates.

"Jimin s-stop." He growls at me. Literally growls. Who does this bitch think he is? He think he can go around growling at people. I try to remove his grasps only for him to hold onto me tighter. He sucks on my skin harder. "Jimin i said stop!"

I make him release my wrist and push him off. I was still under him. I was trying to catch my breath. "That would've escalated and we haven't even went on a proper date."

"Your right. And I'm sorry. I just, when im put in a challenge i will accept it."


Jimin looks at me, his face was red as well as mine. He was covering his face while laughing. I look at him confused. He fell back on the bed laughing harder.

"Whats so funny Mochi Cakes?"

He pointed towards my neck. "You might wanna find away to cover that."

I run towards the full length mirror in the room.


Kylie's POV

I woke up to someone yelling at Jimin.

"Mmm what the fuck." I roll off the couch onto someone earning a groan from them. "Get off!"

"Should've never slept on the floor" I reconized the voice. Yoongi.

"Kyyylllieee. Get off before i push you off."

"You do that and I will drown you." I sit up getting off of yoongi. Looking around the living room. Maryanna and Namjoon were on the love seat cuddling. Gross. Taehyung was on the floor next to yoongi. J hope was on the other end of the couch where i slept. Jungkook was at the table groaning and moaning about his headache while Jin was scolding him for drinking so much. "Kylie, where are your pots and pans?"

"Bottom cabnet to the left." I walk to the kitchen grabbing pain killers.

"Where's Lexi and Jimin? Wait... Why would I care? I dont know, but do you know where they're at?"

Jin shrugs grabbing eggs from the fridge. "I think they are in the guest room." I nod sitting back on the couch.

"Hey Jin! Can you grab me a pan and a medal spoon." He looks at me confused.

"Why?" I grab a pan and spoon smirking. "How else am i suppose to wake these idiots up?" He chuckles going back to cooking.

I go to the living room holding the pan in the air.

"WAKE UP YOU LIMP NOODLE LOOKING BITCHES!!! COME ON WAKEY WAKEY!!" everyone groans sitting up. Yoongi however, was still curled in a ball sleeping.

"What the hell." I was wondering why he hasn't gotten up to cuss us out. I kneel down and start to push him. "Wake up Yoongi before i poor cold water on you." He doesnt budge.

"Wake up." I grab his shoulder shaking him. I roll my eyes as he still doesnt budge.

I fill a cup of cold water and hover over him. Yoongi grabs my wrist making me drop the cup and pulls me to him. He puts me in front of him, snaking his arms around me. My face heats up.

"Let go before i elbow you." He snuggles into my back. "I sware to your religion if yoh do-"

"Shut up before I do it for you"


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