Chapter 13

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Lexi's POV


"Sweetheart? Lexi? Oh my baby!! Come here and see your father!" I run over taking my dad in a embrace.

He grabs me and sits me at a booth taking ahold of my hands.

"W-what are you doing here?? I thought I would never see you?"

He takes the mask and hat off looking at me. He hasn't changed. Still the broad tan man I once called father.

"I knew you were in Korea but didn't know you were here in Seoul. I'm here on a business trip. We're trying to raise our charts up for the fundraisers. So we are meeting here with a man to see if Thats possible."

"Why the mask and all?"

"Well we can't be seen as we investigate our fundraiser. Seoul will think we are some kind of bad guy."

He looks me in the eye.

"You've grown. Prettier than the last I saw you. How is Hoseok? Er J hope?"

I smile shrugging. "He's okay. I haven't seen him for a few days." He nods taking a sip of his mocha. "How are you? Are you okay? You look...slimmer." I sigh. Memories of the past week. "Tell me.. What going on?" He seen past me. He always has. I couldn't hide one bit of a feeling because he could see through my eye's.

"I fell in love, dad.." He smiles patting my hand. "Thats great sweetie! Who's the lucky man?"

"It's not that dad. He doesn't feel the same way.." His smile turns into a frown. "I'm sorry baby, things will get better I promise. Men are just cruel." I chuckle. "They sure are huh?"

"Well sweetie. I have to go. My men need me." As he was about to leave I grab his sleeve. "Wait! Dad, how is mom?"

"She misses you." And with that he walks out.

I let out a big sigh as I fall back on my bed. My legs sore and my back hurting from all the standing and running around I did. It was currently 10 pm and I haven't checked my messages. Jimin for some reason is blowing my phone up.. I don't know why. I didnt want him to text me. He told me to stay away from him and I will.

Ding! Ding! Dddddding!

"Aaaarrggg DAMNIT!!"

"what in the hell socket do you want Park Jimin!" I had enough. Answering his call.

"Uh...sorry... Um-"

"Jimin, don't talk to me and don't call me. You pushed me away and said it all, I don't know why you're suddenly calling and texting but I won't tolerate a asshole so FUCK OFF!"

Beep. The line goes dead as I throw my phone across the room. Why? Why would he do this? We were just fine as friend's. Why did he use me? Why me!?!?!? My thoughts make me angry. Making me want to scream. I get up slipping my shoe's on and grabbing my key's. I drive fastly to Bangtan dorm, knocking like a madman. "Lexi? Hey. Are you okay?" It was Kookie. I nod. "Can I come in, i'de like to talk to Jimin."

He points telling me he's in his room.
I knock on his door. Three knocks after he finally opens the door. His scrunched and confused face in full view. I know i'll regret it. But I did it.

Not even thinking twice I smash my lips on his.


Yoongi's POV

I was with Kylie at the moment. I decided to see her after hanging with the boys. I had take a liking in her. She's so pretty and fun to be around. She isn't that typical girl that wants my money and to be in bed with me. She was different from other girls. She's smart and she considers others feelings. I want to take her on a proper date but I would have to talk to Bang PD. At the start he said he was okay with us dating but I want to make sure. I don't want to make a decision then have to drop everything. I want to be the guy that helps her. I want her to cry on my shoulder and tell me her worries. I want to earn her trust.



"I have a question."

A/N I know short chapter I'll try to be better. if you have any comments or suggestions please tell me.💜

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