Chapter 14

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Kylie's POV

Yoongi was fiddling with his thumbs. He looked nervouse. What was on his mind. He always had something in that head of his.


He clears his throat, sitting up straight. "I was wondering.. If maybe you wanted to go on a date?" He said nervously. He had hopeful eyes as he chewed on his lip. I thought about it. And thought maybe I should. He's quite nice and He deserves a chance. I haven't dated sense highschool. I thought about giving up on a love life but now that I think it about it, I want a love life.


His smile was bigger than my own ass.

****************************************Next day

Lexi's POV

"You can leave before they awake." He said as I button up the last few buttons on my blouse. "Okay." It was a short answer but what could I say? I was in full regret and at the same time im not. Last night was the first time I had sex that was sober. The second time but sober.

"Why did you come here? I thought you were angry at me?" I cocked my eyebrow. He was on the other side of the room only in his boxers, sitting on his dresser as I was sitting at the edge of the bed.

"Angry sex?" I say with a small giggle, him laughing too.

"Am I a rebound? I thought you were hurt? Mad at me? Now you act as if....I don't know." He was in fact right. I don't know either. Im suppose to be mad at you, hurt.

"I mean, what difference does it make? when you can't return my feelings Jimin. Why would it concern you? You got what you wanted."

"Indeed I did." Was all he said. Making my heart break even more. He had nothing to say. No shame. No quilt? I get up after putting my shoes on and head to the door, stopping in front of Jimin. He grabs me, leaving a chast kiss on my lips. "Think about what we talked about earlier okay? And give me an answer soon." I nod as he kisses my forhead leading me out.

"Friends with benefits?"

"Yes Lexi, just friends with benefits."

"Bye." In say walking to my car. I don't know why I'm thinking about it. I might just do it. Just a booty call. Yeah but if it meant I can be with him and just quietly love him then things will be okay. No one has to know. Not even Kylie or Maryanna. Maybe soon he will love me back. I walk into my apartment to put on my uniform for work.

"Lexi, today you will be at the back stalking with Hoseok." You mean J hope. I never called him by his first name. He didn't really go by Hoseok. It was always J hope or Hobi.

"Lexi, can you help me sort the creamers by flavor?" I nod. Sitting across from him. Cream with cream. Vanilla with vanilla. Walnut with walnut. So on and so on. "You know, we heard you and Jimin last night. All of us." My eye's widen as my cheeks heat up. "What!" That was so embarrassing. "Yeah, but that's not the point. My point here is, that he hurt you and we warned him and you. But you run back to him and go for a quick fuck? What is wrong with you?" I sigh. I didn't know what was wrong with me. The fact that I slept with him again was sickening me. But I wanted it. I wanted it so bad. I want him. I want his heart. He took mine and lost it. Jerk. "Hobi, I... I don't know... I love him. All I want is for him to love me back." He shakes his head. "I knew right when I would introduce you guys, something would go wrong and it did." I mumble a soft sorry. Why was I apologizing? Was I at fault right now? Maybe because he's disappointed in me and I should say sorry.

"Have you ever fell in love?" He looks at me then back at sorting the creamers. "Yeah, and I still love her. She just doesn't know that I love her." I was happy for him. He deserves someone to love. And I hope she returns his feelings once she knows.

"Whats her name? Have you known her longer then me?" He shakes his head. "No, she- I've known as long as I've known you." I nod. "Why haven't you told me.", " because she's oblivious." I furrow my eyebrows. What does that have to do with anything? I blink a few times, "oh.. I hope she returns your feelings."

"She doesn't." He says coldly. He never sounded so sad and irritated before. He was always cheerful. A ball of sunshine. I have only seen him cry once. And that was the time he was mad at himself for messing up the choreography for one of their songs. 


"She likes this other dude. But he's a complete asshole. She can do so much better." I shake my head. "Well, you deserve better then. If she can't notice how much of a better and good guy you are then, she's stupid."

"Shouldn't call your self that."

Taehyung's POV

me and Jungkook were currently sitting at a picnic table at a park. We had decided that we could use some fresh air and go hang out. "How are you and that girl you like?" He smiles widely. His beautiful bunny teeth glowing. "She's so perfect, god she's so pretty, and funny. I like her alot. And I'm planning on confessing to her Monday."

I choke on my drink, spitting it out. "M-Monday!" That was in two days. Damn I need to step up my game.

"Yes Tae, Monday. Why?" He asks. "Oh, im just so shocked. Im excited to see my little Kookie grow up." I say pinching his cheeks. "Yah! Ani Hyung! I am a man!" He looked at me cutely. He had his lips in a pout and his doe eyes shooting daggers at me. "You look like a angry bunny that didn't get its way!" I yell laughing. "TAAAAEEEE!!!" He whined. Cute. "Ah, Jungkookie. You're such a baby." He pouts crossing his arms. "Yeah And your a dick."

"You can have mine." His eye's widen. "Pffftt. Kookie Im kidding! Look at your face!!" I was laughing and finally Jungkook give in laughing to.

Oh if only he knew.
Jimin's POV


I look at my phone. A message from Lexi.

Sugar Toots: i'll do it.

I smirk. I wanted her to say yes. I knew she would anyway. She loves me. Why wouldn't she agree.

Im so sorry lexi. Im slowly and painfully hurting you. I wish I could return your feelings. I just can't.

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