Chapter 2

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Lexi's POV

I woke up in a cold sweat, my chest heaving up and down fastly. I had a nightmare again. I was watching my family slowly die.. Whats new! I look over at my night stand where my alarm clock sits.

8:30 AM. To fucking early for this B-U-L-L-S-H-I-T. I get up walking to the kitchen to get a drink of water seeing my phone on the counter. "Huh, guess I left it here." I say to myself. I see various text messages from J hope.

J hope: hey squeakaboo, you'll probably not be awake right now but i am because of practice and all ANYWAY, I was wondering if you wanted to meet the boys tonight sense today is our last practice for our summer vacation?

Lexi: sure, what time?

He messages quickly. Damn slow down boy.

J hope: 7:00 pm on the dot sweet cheeks, oh! Bring friends! Like the Kylie girl you told me about and Maryanna. Maybe Noelani and Angel?

Lexi: first, don't ever call me sweet cheeks. Second, I'll talk to Kylie, Mare will most likely be there and last but never least Noelani and Angel can't make it. there on a trip for there 2 year anniversary.

J hope: okie dokie see ya later. Cant wait for you to meet the boys!!!

I smile. He's something. Every morning or so I usally sit outside my arpartment door and drink my coffee while listening to the birds chirp in the warm air. But this morning I have work.... So I have to get ready and head to Winter's Cafe. I love the place, dred the people. I decide to walk to work sense im a few blocks away after I had gotten dressed.

The sun was blindingly bright today and the air smelt like summer....if thay even had a smell. There was alot of people out today, especially at the park. Families having a picnic probably talking about their futur wishes. I didn't really have a future wish or anything when i was a kid. The only thing I was fond of was writing. It soothed me when i was angry, sad, or even just for fun. In school I would write instead of doing my homework. I wasn't really the smartest kid in school but I aslo wasn't stupid.

The sound of rings from my phone interrupt my thoughts making me Jump.

"Annyeong?" I answer not looking at the caller ID. I hear a long sigh before the talking.

"Lexi, how many times have I told you that, when I call to not talk all Korean

on me?"

"Oh! Kylie i'm sorry i didn't look at my phone when I answered."

"Whatever, um anyway I called to tell you that I won't be able to hang out this week because I have double shifts all week so i'll be pretty tired and busy."

"Oh okay well tonight I was going to go meet J hope's friends, but i'll tell him you couldn't make it and maybe we'll schedual a movie night."

"Sounds cool bye." I look at my phone when it clicks. Kylie is another person I have met here in Korea and our first encounter was quiet awkward but we still managed to be friends and hang out. She has met J hope once but it was a brief meeting.

Walking into the cafe the bell rings notifying that someone has entered. I see my manager and instantly want to die.

Jayden Winters. the manager. Also the store owners son. No one like him. Not even the customers. It's sad really. Rumors say that once he almost raped a girl at a college party but those are just rumors.

I walk over the the counter puting my apron on. J hope wont be at work sense he has practice so i'll be working 8:40 AM to 3:00 PM. Sounds painful but really isn't unless you got Winters boy stuck up your ass annoying you. He doesn't fail to piss me off, never does and never will.

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