Chapter 19

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Lexi’s POV

It’s been 2 weeks since the last time I talked to Jimin. I’ve been doing better actually. I’m at work on time, bills are paid on time. I’m all caught up. I’m actually happy. Yes, I miss Jimin and always will love him. But.. I was destroying myself and him. Me and J hope.. Well we are on good terms and we might consider being together. But he doesn’t like the fact that I’m still in love with Jimin. But we are willing to try and see if we work out and if we do then we will continue to be together. I’ve heard Jimin is a total mess without me. Namjoon and Yoongi tell me everyday how miserable he is. Well I guess he is just getting a taste of his own medicine. We won’t be good for each other and never will be. He never loved me and he sure doesn’t want to. I don’t know why he would lie to me and say he wants to when it’s all a game. It’s Fake Love.

I was at Winter’s Cafe on my day off with Hobi. me and him were just on a little date. Not like together but to talk about us. “Hey..” “hey.” J hope sits down across me. “So, I’ve been thinking..” he shifts in his seat and takes a few sips of his drink. “I want to be with you and I want to try.” he says. “But, if we don’t work out.. I still want to be your best friend. No awkwardness or ignoring each other. Okay?” I nod, telling him I agreed. “So.. will you be my girlfriend??” I smile and nod. “Yes hobi, I will.” he smiles his sunshine smile. We get up and go to the dorms because J hope wanted to tell the boys badly that I was his. Everyone was in the living room watching a movie except for Jimin, who is probably in his room. “Guys.” J hope says to grab their attention. They all look at us holding hands, soon scrunching their faces in confusion. “Me and Lexi are together.” they all were quiet until Taehyung spoke up. “Omg!!! Congrats Hobi and Lexi!!” after that everyone said congrats and cheered. Something was off and I don’t think everyone was truly happy. Mare however, looked pissed off. She looks up and smiles. “Lexi you should stay the night. I am with Joonie, you should stay too.” Jungkooks eyes light up, “yeah!! You should, I have important info to share with you Lexi!!! Will you??” he gives me these puppy dog eyes and I give in, “fine, but only tonight. I have work in the morning.” he cheers lightly and we all continue on what we were doing. Maryanna looks at me and slowly walks to me. “Can I talk to you in the kitchen, please?” she whispers. I nod and follow her in the kitchen and she crosses her arms, leaning on the kitchen island.

“Why are you with him??” she asks. She looked irritated. “Because he likes me so I thought I would give him a chance.”, “Lexi Hoseok loves you and you don’t like him that way. However YOU love Jimin and he was willing to do anything for forgiveness and love you back, but you throw him away and date his best friend that you think of as a brother. Do you know how fucked up this is??”

“Lexi, I understand that we warned you about JImin and all but the man cries all day and all night wanting to turn back time and jus love you. You should think about your decisions before things get worse. You might lose someone that you love the most.” she says. She walks into the living room, leaving me shocked. Maybe this was wrong. Maybe I should just.. No.. you can’t hurt J Hope. I’ll just wait a few months and maybe we won’t work out. Maybe he will get tired of me and break up with me. Or I can just brother zone him again and get myself together. Oh god what am I doing? Jimin… I’ll be there as soon as I can….. I promise.

I wake up to my alarm. 6 am and me and J hope need to be at work around 8. I woke up early because I like the comfort of waking up early. I unwrap Hobi’s arms from my waist and head to the kitchen to make some coffee. The boys will be back on schedule in two months. Summer was ending fast. I need to spend time with them. Maybe organize a little vacation before I have to go back to texting every two hours or texting once a minute and get a response the next day or in two days.

As I walk in the kitchen I see Jimin making coffee already. I freeze in my spot at the doorway and he stands there with a depressed expression as he drinks his coffee. He really was miserable…. He had dark circles and bags under his eyes and he lost weight. Just seeing him like this made my eyes tear up but I sucked them in before they fell. “M-morning.” I stutter. He answers ever so softly, sounding like a small kitten. I pour my coffee and stuff then head towards the room. “Lexi..” I stop at my tracks as his weak, tired voice calls my name. “Why? Why did choose him? You don’t love him and you never will…. Why not let me love you?”

I turn around and let the tear slip then wipe it off before I speak. “Because Jimin, i’m scared of letting you.”

“I’m scared your love will be fake… that you will lie to me…” he looks down as I turn to leave. “But you trust him?” I shake my head. “I have trust issues Jimin, you should know.” I walk into the room and sigh as I close the door. “Morning beautiful!” I jump as J Hope shouts loudly. “You’re up early.” I say, setting my cup on the nightstand next to me. “Well you left and I got cold. Come here and cuddle me for a few minutes before we have to work at hell's kitchen.” I giggle, sliding in his arms and snuggling into the blankets.

“I love you Lexi.” I gulp. “I- I know..” I can’t lie to him. “I know you can’t say it. I understand. But soon you will and i’ll wait for it, I trust you.” damn it…

Later on the day me and J Hope got to work but we didn’t talk because I was stuck taking orders and he was making the orders. The only words we said to each other were, “come get it!” or “It’s ready!” the day was stressful and long and all I wanted was a relaxing hot bath and my comfy bed. I just wanted to watch romance movies and sleep. “Lexi, i’ll drive you home.”

I nod, and get into Hobi’s car. “Lexi I know it’s weird coming from me but, do you realize that our relationship is hurting Jimin?” I roll my eyes. I was starting to get pissed. At myself too. “Okay, but do you realize that you should be thankful that I want you too? I mean don’t you love me? Why is Jimin getting in the way of us Hoseok?!” his eyes widen. Mine even did to. I never call him by his first name, even if I was mad.  “He’s my best friend. Even if he did wrong, he will always be my brother. I just feel like i’m doing wrong…we made a deal with each other and I am breaking everything I promised. Me and the boys made a deal. If it’s our girl first, it stays that way. You were never mine because Jimin claimed you before I could.” was this wrong? Even if me and J hope broke up Jimin would never want me. He want to try. He gave me a chance and I didn’t take it. I should have. Because Hobi will forever be a brother to me. I just can’t seem to hurt him. He’s my best friend and Jimin is my first love. I need to fix this before things get bad.

Before I lose someone I truly love.

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