Chapter 15

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Taehyung's POV

It's sunday. I have one day to get the courage to confess to Jungkook. I know he's straight, but it doesn't hurt to let him know. I just need to at least let him know how I feel.  How I've been feeling for the past year. He'll be the first to know I have no interest in girls. I only have interst in him.

"Tae!" I look up at my door. I was laying in bed reading a book. Jungkook was in my door tears? I put my book down and speed walk to him and embrace him.

"Whats wrong kook? Tell me." I set him on the bed, stroking his hair and shushing him. "H-hyung...." He hiccups trying to compose himself. He looks up at me. His eyes filled with pain and tears. It hurt to see him like this. To see him in pain.

"I-i went to see her today, so I could confess early. A-and she accepted. B-but when we were k-kissing I didn't feel any spark. I-i actually didn't like kissing her." He sobbed harder.

"Kook, what are you saying? She accepted you didn't she?" I hated saying that. But if it meant he would be okay then im happy.

"I-it's n-not that..." He says. He looks back at me his pink lips quivering.

"I don't think I like girls hyung."


Lexi's POV

"Hobi? C-can we talk?" I ask.

"No, we have to work lexi now go get those orders." I groan in frustration. He wont talk to me- well he does but he doesn't want to talk about our last encounter. "You can't slide through this like its nothing J Hope!" I yell as I walk to the front counter.

Me and J Hope decided to walk home sincese it was nice out. We walked in silence and I was tired of it. "J Hope, we need to tal-" , "no, lexi we don't." I walk in front of him making him stop at his trackes. "What lexi!" He yells rolling his eyes. "Why didn't you tell me hobi!?! Why hide your feelings from me?" He looks me in the eye with a burning gaze.

"Because, I was going to wait for you to feel the same. But you fell for him. What do you see in him? I love Jimin, he's like a brother to me, but he doesn't treat women right? Why can't you let me show you. Show you how it's done?" I look down then back up. "J Hope... You're like a brother to me.. Im sorry, but I love Jimin. I couldn't think of you that way." He sighs.

"Then tell me one thing. What does he have that I don't?"

"My heart."  He scoffs and walks away. I sigh as I get home and plop myself on the couch. I have an hour before I meet up with Jimin. Later on I get up and dress in skinney Jeans and my favorite button up shirt. I hear someone knocking on my door And open it to see Jimin. He looked really nice. His vibrent red hair pushed back, his sunglasses rested on the top of his head and he wore riped jeans with a tight black shirt, hugging his body in the right places. I gulp.

"H-hey." He walks in and throws his glasses on the table. "Hey." It was awkward just standing there. He looked at me biting hid plump lip.
"Why did you agree, be honest Lexi."
I lick my lips and shift from foot to foot. "I love you, what more can I say? Its the only way to be close to you. Thats all I want Jimin." He almost looked sad but, that look went away and went to cocky.

"Okay, strip."


Sweat dripped off of my face as my chest heaved up and down. I had a nightmare again. I watched my parents die. This dream has been around for awhile and I don't know why. I get up and slip my underwear on and grab Jimins shirt and throw that on. It was five in the morning so he was sleeping soundly. I go to the kitchen and get a glass of water. I sit at my kitchen table.

What was I doing? Why can't I just move on? J Hope loves me, why not give him a chance? Because I could never think of him that way. Why did I have to bumo into Jimin at the movies? He was only looking to use me. He claimed me then used me. And I'm letting him do it. I wish he would feel what I feel. That every time we're together my heart jumps.nim throwing myself away for him. Im doing what he wants. I look at my wrist and rub the marks on them. He had a grip on me tonight. It did hurt, I told him to go easy but he just kept on goinh rough. But remember Lexi, you're suppose to deal with it and let him do what he wants. They say, a women is there to love, cherish and please her man. Im trying to please, love and cherish him. I just can't call him mine. I can't tell him to stop hanging with girls I don't trust. I can't come home and read the sweet texts I want to receive. I can't even sit on my couch and listen to him tell me how much he loves me. I only get to see him from under. I only get to touch him from under. I only get to kiss him from under. I'll never get to love him from under.

"Lexi-ssi?" The sweet voice I longed to hear calls out. I look up at the kitchen door way and see Jimin rubbing his eyes, his hair all throwned every where. He was in his boxers. "You weren't in bed and I got cold, come back to bed sugar toots."

"Don't call me that Jimin. You only called me that when it was special. It isn't now."

"It's special to me-"

"Yeah but am I?" He shakes his head. Can't do this without knowing. "Thats what I thought."

"Why so moody? You weren't like this in bed." I roll my eye's as he sits across from me. "Come on, what's on your mind?"

"Have you ever loved someone?" He shakes his head. "My problem is, I don't know when I feel it Lexi, believe me I like you, I really do. But I don't feel the wonderfulness people feel. I don't feel the euphoria. Im probably not paying attention. What does it feel like to you?"

"You're having fun. Smiling, laughing. You would feel tingles when you hold hands. Your heart would jump at the slightest thing. The way they whisper at you or the way they talk to you. Even the smallest contact. You can't stop thinking about them and when you betray them you feel like shit. Your heart breaks. You want more than anything just to rewind and start over. When you brake up, your world brakes up. You would also do anything to get them back. You would die for her. You didn't care if you lost a friend or if your parents approve of them. You just wanted her and nothing else. You would find ways to be around her or you would find ways to speak to her. She's your wonder."

His mouth was gaped, his puppy dog eye's sparkling at me. "I-is that how you feel about me?" I nod.

It was then when I had seen Park Jimin himself cry for the first time in front of me.

He was pained. I would know.

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