Chapter 27

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Jungkooks POV

"I kinda feel sorry for Lexi, "I spoke up as Tae rubs my back. We were all together at this park having a picnic and I was under a tree with Tae just talking. We had already eaten so we decided to stay and enjoy the sun.

"Why? Did something happen?" I shake my head. "No, I mean we are together and we'll get to see each other. Lexi, in other words, won't be seeing Jimin a whole lot." He hums taking more lotion and applying it to my back. "Well, at least they are not fighting and moping about each other. They're together and that's all that matters."

"Hm, true. I wish she could tag along with us. But we know she can't even if we begged PD."

"Yeah, I mean she has Kylie and Mare. They won't be able to see Yoongi and Namjoon. So it's fair I guess." his voice lowers as he rubs my back.

"Dude that hurt stop." Tae had popped my back which isn't exactly good because it's bad for your back and all. "Dude-" he says mocking me. "Be glad I'm actually rubbing your back you disrespectful ass!" I gasp.

"How am I disrespectful? You don't even say thank you when you receive!"

"You don't use honorifics with me!" he gets off of my back and throws the lotion at me. "Why should I? You're Tae Tae or baby to me, I don't want to call you Hyung." he raises his eyebrows. His jaw clenched. "It's still rude, be lucky I love you." I roll my eyes.

"I'm blessed," I mumble taking out a book.

Lexi's POV

"Why don't you like it?" he sighs groaning. "Lexi, sugar toots, how many time do I have to tell you? There is no point!" I scrunch my face. he and I have been arguing about Marvel and DC, he just doesn't think any of them are good.

"Jimin they're just movies if you were to like it which one would be better?"

"Just drop it."

"No, just give me an answer!"

"You are unbelievable."

"You are difficult." I throw my flip flops at him. "Answer." he rolls his eyes and continues to read the book in his hands. "Hm, Marvel."

"DC you asshat."

"Okay, first of all, Batman can't even fly! Second of all, Superman is just a lonely guy who needs someone so he has to shoot layers at 'villains to impress women."

"He's hot."

"Love you too." I shake my head and continue to scroll through my phone while eating a sandwich. "Hey-" I start, tapping my foot on his leg. "Do you think when you come back from tour we could maybe see my family?" he looks up at me. His eyebrows furrowed. "Like, meet your parents?"

"Yeah," I say. "My dad, Uncle, Aunt, Brother, whoever is still in the area."

"What about your mom?" my head lowers at his question. "She isn't here anymore."

"I didn't mean to upset you." I shake my head, "no, you didn't, I just miss her I guess." Jimin hums, his fingers resting on his chin as if he was thinking. The slight smile on his face was still strong. His every move interested me. From moving his head to just smiling. Sounds of his teeth clicking brakes the silence other than the soft wind. I was going to ask him but I didn't and I never did.

"What if men had periods?" he looks at me. "Pft what?" I repeat my question only for Jimin to laugh at me. "You are something," he mumbled. His red hair blew in the wind. "Speaking of blood... When will you die your hair?"

"What does blood have to do with dying my hair?" his shirt wrinkles as he tugs on it. "Just answer the damn question," I say rolling my eyes. "Probably after our concert in Hong Kong.", " what color?"

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