Chapter 5

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Maryanna's POV

"Yeah, i'll keep an eye on her... I know... Well she doesn't go to school Joonie, she graduated las-......okay... Well keep an eye on him to, I just don't want her hurt if that's whats he just in for... Okay... Love you too, bye."

Lexi's POV

"Oh really? Okay well i'll see you two love birds later then.. Oh by the way you owe me a tatto Lani!.. Okay bye."

I smile at my phone laughing. She cracks me up. Noelani just got back from her anniversary vacation, she told me she had went to America but never told me where. She goes on and on about how she wants to give me a tatto for summer. She currently works at a tattoo shop called Golden Dragon, she took 4 years of college just to be a tattoo artist at a place that is litterally named like a chinese buffe. I mean, can't complain.. She is good at what she does. Today me and J hope have work at thr cafe, which i dread but its for the coffee.

"Squeak!!!" I walk into the brightest smile ever. Oh my sunshine. "Oh hobi! Let go your crushing me! You saw me yesterday!"

"I know, I know. I can't go 24 hours without seeing you! Your my favorite carmel coffee!" I raise my eyebrows... "Is that a mexican joke... If so i'm kind of offended." He shakes is head laughing. (A/n I'm Hispanic)

"No, no it's not. I can offend you though." Scrunching up my fave i let J hope go to but my uniform on.

"No thank you hobi but Im better at that sooo."

"Challenge accepted, bitch."

"If Kookie was here he would've choked you for cursing."

"Its fine. Okay burrito muncher lets get to work."

"Well i eat my food with a fork."
He gasps acting like he's offended.

"Wet back!"

"Rice butt."

"Border jumper!"

I squint my eyes.

J hope stops. He had a serious face on. He looked like he was supressing a laugh. What is going on. I turn around.... Almost every customer was staring at me. They looked offended. The bad thing is, im american.

If I was korean, they would be fine. But a foreigner? No... Its a big no no. I turn around. Winters was behind me with a angry face. Shizer doodlez am I in deep fricken fricken crap.

"Garcia! Office. Now!"

I hope he doesn't fire me. I really need thid job to pay rent. Aaahhh.

"Take a seat."

"What you did out there was really immature. Plus half the customers were offended. I advise you to act like a adult. Dont worry, Hoseok will get a talk to. Im going to have to suspend you for a month. Ill give you your monthly pay check to last you whole month. I think you should of stayed in America where you belong." I sat there dumbfounded. So stupid... I should've kept my mouth shut.

"Go home Garcia." I get up bowing to Winters, mumbling a small 'sorry'

I grab my things heading put the door. "Lexi! Where you going?" J hope grabs my arm turning me around. "Oh, I got suspended for a month."

"I'm sorry, i'll see you later?"


I really didn't mean to offend any one. Being suspended is better than being fired and i'll take it.

I was sitting on my bed bored out of my mind... I had nothing to do. Amd the only person not busy is Jimin... Maybe I could? No leave him alone let him be. Well it wouldn't hurt?- not doing it.

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