Chapter 12

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Kylie's POV

"Ah! Come on you fucktard! You know he an't the baby daddy!" I scream at my T.V. I had the day off and I was spending my free time watching Jerry Springer while stuffing my face with Roman Noodles. Yeah, yeah It's a stupid show but I had nothing else to do. I would have been hanging with Yoongi but he said he had promised the boys to hang with them.

My thoughts are interrupted by my phone. I look at the caller ID... Maryanna? She barley calls.

"Kylie at your service how may I help you?" I say sarcastically.

"Hey, can I come over? I need to discuss something with you."

My smile goes into a frown. This must be serious. I tell her to come on down. I finish my noodles and turn the T V. off as she enters my apartment. Sitting on my couch she looks at me, "um I don't know if anyone informed you but-"

"Yeah, Yoongi told me. He called because Namjoon ended up braking Jimins nose so he had to cancel our plans to take him to the hospital." Yes I was informed about Jimin and Lexi's encounter and I do plan to slap the living daylights out of her the next time I see her. She's smarter than this and she knows it. "She hasn't came out of her room for two days. She won't eat or drink. Only to use the bathroom."

"Well, all I can personally say is, people make mistakes and it can't be fixed. Some can. We can't save her. All we can do is watch her fall apart and learn her lesson." She looks down nodding. "So..other than this, how's it going with Yoongi?"

"He's..." I never stopped to think about how I felt about him. He was sweet even if he acted cold. He knows how to say the right words and right thing.

"We're okay. Just friends.." I trail off.

"Friends? Just friends? Okay. Well I have to go. Need to go back to my studies. I'll see you later."

"Yeah." As she left I sat in my living room in silence. What is Yoongi to me?.


Lexi's POV

Silence...nothing. But. Silence. Haven't eaten in two days. Only to sulk and regret my words to Jimin.

I love you

The words that I hoped and dreamed of saying sense I was four. The words that brought family closer. Lovers closer. Now? It's Just ash. Hell. A burning feeling in my heart. The sound of shattering glass. The dark circles under the pure precious eye's. The once glowing gold brown eye's are now dull and weak. The cold feeling on your shoulders as rain falls down your cheeks. The blank feeling of voidness in your head. Your brain. Your thoughts. Your fear. Your strength.

Strength....I was weak.

I will never love you, I only used you

The more I thought about it the more I wanted to scream and cry out. I wanted to punch something. I just didn't have the energy to do so.

Surgar toots

The small smirk on my face quickly fades. Why did it feel like yesterday I had just met him at the movie's. Why does it feel like everything went so fast? Because it did. I go back to work tomorrow. I hope Hobi is there.. I need him. I thought about getting a tattoo from Noelani. To fix at least one wound. They say, pain is a reliever. Needles and razors cure your hurt. Hurt for hurt for satisfaction. I needed that relief. That soothing feeling of a inked needle digging in my skin and creating a masterpiece. The greek word for tatto is open wound.

Are you hiding from me?

Yes. And I can't bee seen with you.

Just die already.

Can't.. Already dead.

Why get a tatto when you can get a scare?

A mark is way beautiful then a simple scar on my wrist. I'de rather not.

There's sleeping pills in your cabinets. Open it.


"Hi! I'm Suzi! I'm filling in for Noelani. How can I help you?"

I haven't been in this tatto shop. The walls were a goldish yellow color while a chinese dragon traced the corners of each wall. There was picture frames of designes. Some tattos on people. The shop smelt of a bitter vanilla.

"I'm wanting to get a tatto." Suzi smiles brightly at me. Her dimple piercings showing. "Follow me to this room. I'll give you some selections. Just call me when you're ready."

I nod and sit on the leather stool, looking through the album of differnt designs. There was all kinds. Fairys, dragons, skulls, even dinosaurs, letters, sayings...One caught my eye..

It was a rose. Not just a rose. A red rose. With thorns surrounding it. There was a knife puncturing the middle of the rose. The angelic leaves crumbling to small particals.

"Uh, M'AM??" Suzi comes rushing in.

"Find what you wanted." I nod.

1 hour later.

I was satisfied. I think the $50 dollars I played was worth it. The blood, sweat and tears. My ringtone fills my ears as I stumble into my apartment.


"Hey, it's Winter's. I know you come back tomorrow. But were short handed and need you to come in now." A sigh slips from the mouth.

"Okay, i'll be there in 5 minutes." I am surprised that he didn't call in J hope. At least he isn't a racist white girl. I get changed in my uniform, heading to the cafe.

The smell of coffee grinds and vanilla beans fill my nose. A deep sigh leaving my lips. I missed this smell. It smelt like home.

"Garcia! Get to work! You know what to do." I groan at the annoying voice and roll my eyes. I wish I could punch him into to hell.

Orders after orders it's nearly 8:00 pm. I don't know when to go home so I'll work until closing time.

"Welcome to Winter's Cafe. What can I get you?" A man wearing a mask and a flatbill hat came to the counter. Je was wearing a black turtle neck with black skinnies. He reminded me of someone.

"Please a banana mocha."

I make the banana mocha and hand it to the mystery man.

"Thats 7000₩" the prices on this menu change every minute. The man hands me the money. He looks up at me getting a glance. Right then I notice who was under the mask and hat.



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