Chapter 24

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Jimin’s POV

I’ll just have to tell her when we get to the cabin. Tell her, tell her, tell her. Don’t mess this up Park! Confess! Tell her you’re in love with her. Be the confident man you are. You can do this. She loves you back. You got this. After Lexi left me for Hoseok I had realized why. Why she didn’t stay. At first I thought, ‘she loves me, why would she leave?’ but then I realized. She loved me… she did. But she left because I was breaking her...killing her mentally and physically. Literally. That night I had gotten out of control and bruised her. Hickey’s covered her body and hand marks. I’ll will always be ashamed of what I had done to her. She didn’t deserve that. She deserves the whole world. And I can’t even give her that.

“Lexi?” I say, getting her attention. She was half way in the covers as I stand by the door way. She sits up and turns the bedside lamp on. “Yeah?” I take a deep breath in then out. I go over and sit on the bed in front of her. “I need to talk to you.”, “oh, um yeah?” she nods for me to go on. I take her hands and look her in the eyes. “Lexi, I treated you wrong. I did you so wrong. You loved me and tried to be nice to me and I just used you and I am so, so, so, sooo sorry for what I had done to you. Especially that one night. I slipped in a habit that was unbreakable. I had never seen so much dedication before. You staying with me even if I didn’t love you back. You stayed because at least you were with me. The last girl that loved me gave up the first time I rejected her and it hurt me. I didn’t want her to take her life away like that. And I was absolutely terrified that you would do that. I wasn’t use to someone WANTING to love me that bad and I didn’t seem to like it. When you left I had realized why? And seeing you with Hoseok absolutely killed me. Lexi what i’m trying to say is that I am proudly, deeply, in love with you and I hope you do to.”

Lexi’s POV

Tears roll down my cheeks. I sigh and smile. The pain is over. The war my heart was fighting is over. He loves me. My skin was tingling and my hair was standing. I was frozen. I couldn’t move or speak. I didn't think he would love me. Who would? Park Jimin would. This is what he was hiding from me? I jump on Jimin and wrap my arms around him. He hugs me back tightly. I didn’t speak or move from the position. I just hugged him and silently cry. I felt warm liquid on my shoulder. He was crying to. “Does this mean you forgive me?” I start to laugh and cry at the same time. I look up at him, smashing my lips on his delicate ones. He kisses back. This was different. No lust. No pain. No tears out of hurt. No anger. No fake love. It was a slow passionate kiss filled with love.

That night.. I slept knowing I would wake up happy.


Lexi’s POV

It’s been almost a month since we’ve been here at the beach in America. We went on that cruise and the boys tried to push Kylie off but she bit Yoongi and he let her go so she escaped. Me and Jimin haven't really hung out because he’s been with the boys and I have been with Maryanna and Kylie. Everyone knows we are together. We have a week until we go back to Korea. I was getting ready because Jimin was taking me out on a date. He told me to wear something fancy and I had to go shopping because I didn’t bring anything fancy. Namjoon is taking Mare on a date and Yoongi with Kylie. Taehyung is taking Kookie out to. J hope and Jin is going on a fake date because they are lonely. IN THEIR WORDS. I flatten out the light blue dress. Jimin’s favorite color. I let out a deep breath and slide on my black flats. There is no way in hell i’m wearing heels. I touch up my makeup and look at myself in the mirror. He wanted me to meet him at this restaurant up town so he gave me money for a cab after an hour of me arguing about who was paying for the cab. I walked in the restaurant almost tripping but the door man catches me before I face plant. “Oh sorry.”, “no ma'am i’m sorry, I should have fixed the carpet. How may I help you?” I clear my throat and look around the place. “Oh Park Jimin you are romantically dead.” I mumble. The lights were dazing me. It was a mixture of blue and pink making a dense purple. “Ahem, ma’am?” my daze gets interrupted and I come back to reality.

“Oh uh sorry, reservations for Park?” the young man smiles at me. He looked about younger than me if not my age. “Ah, Mrs. Garcia. Please follow me.” the man takes out a menu then leads me down this hall. “Mr. Park wanted a private room for the both of you so please follow me, it won’t be long.” he led me in this dark hallway. The sound of the cello was playing faintly. “Here we go, here is your menu and the waitress will be here to take your order soon.” I say thank you and I open the door. My eyes widen. There was little christmas light hanging around the room. Candles all around the place. The smell of vanilla filled the whole room. Tiny little fairy lights hung on the ceiling and touching the floor. “Jimin…” he was standing next to the table with a big cheesy smile. “Don’t worry about the cost, I wanted to do this for you.” he pulls me to him and plants a soft kiss on my lips. “Please have a seat, I ordered for us so I don’t know why he gave you a menu..” he pulls out my chair and pushes it in as I sit. “Wow, such a gentlemen.”

“Only for you babe.” even though he has seen all of me before and all, he still makes me nervous. We were waiting for our food and it’s been a good hour or so. He ordered us stake and champagne. This was fancy. Really fancy. Oh mochi cakes…. What have you done to me?

I look over and Jimin was looking at me. He had this intense stare on me. “You’re so beautiful..” I had noticed that his eyes started to water. “What?” I smile then repeat what I had said. “I said you’re beautiful Jimin. Like your personality but… I don’t know.. You have this clear skin and you- i’m really.” he bites his lip laughing while tears shed. “Nervous? You look cute that way.” his voice was a soft low. There it was… cocky Mochi Cakes. I was wondering if he would come out. “And here we are. Here is your champagne.” we thank the waiter silently. “So, I was thinking maybe when we get back home from the vacation we all have a little ‘sleepover’ before we go on tour.” I nodded. I’m going to miss them. Not only them but Jimin. Today was probably the me and him time I have only gotten as a couple and not friends with benefits.

“I’m going to miss you Lexi. you have to pinky promise that you will call and text me everyday.” I smile and take a drink of the champagne, “I promise.” I stick out my pinky, hooking mine with his. “Wait you have to seal it.” I giggle as he presses his thumb on mine. “I need to write a song about that.” he says taking a bite of his stake. “What? A promise?” he nods as I start to cut my steak in pieces. “Yeah, like a promise song, you know?” I nod, “yeah, I guess that’s something you can do. Make sure to send it to me.”

“No, you’ll just have to wait until it's done.” I slump in my chair groaning. “Fine.” he chuckles his eyes closing as he smiles. Can he see?

“You know I wonder sometimes, isn’t weird to be dating an american?” he shakes his head. “No, we’re just the same. Same skin, same presence, same air we are breathing, we just…”

“Look different.?”

“Yeah, that. It doesn’t matter if you're black or white, I will always love you.” my face heated at his words. We were finishing our food until Jimin put his fork down. “You know, that tattoo? You never really told us the real reason behind it.” I put my fork down wiping my hands with a napkin. “Well, I got it after you rejected me. It's a symbol of hurt but my heart will always beat the same it did just not emotionally. In latin, tattoo means ‘open wound’

“I guess that makes since, it looks good on you.” I thank him as we finish our food. “Lexi, i’m going to go pay, meet me out in the car okay? Be careful.”

Jimin gave me a kiss before I walked out into the dark hallway. It was windy outside so I had grabbed Jimin’s jacket to put around me. I walk to the car mumbling a curse word. “He has the keys. I guess i’ll wait out here.” I was playing on my phone when all of a sudden something covers my mouth.

“Be quiet, and you’ll enjoy your time with me sweet cheeks.”

Oh god.

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