Chapter 25

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Lexi's POV

Tears fall down my cheeks. "You're going to be quiet. If you scream I will blow your brains out." My breathing was uneven. Where is Jimin? The man pushed me to the ground kicking my stomach. Why now? Didn't I just roll down a hill not to long ago? The man had straddled me and put his hands around my neck choking me. I tried to breath but it was no use. I should just give up. Everything was getting blurry. I couldn't feel my face. "S-stop." He didn't. Each time I would move he would grip tighter and tighter. Finally he had let go. All I could see was someone punching the man. I was gasping for air, trying to catch my breath. To calm my heart rate down. "Lexi? Hey! Are you okay??" It was Yoongi's voice. How did he see me? My vision begins to clear up. Yoongi and Kylie were standing over me as I see Jimin running towards me. "What the hell happened?" He yells as he helps me get up. I had scrapes on my knees and elbows. "Where were you? She almsot got choked out by a fucking mad man!!" Yoongi had ahold of Jimin's collar as he pushed him against the car. "Hey let's not fight and try to solve what the hell happened." Kylie grabbed Yoongi's arm making him let Jimin go. Jimin cam towards me as I stumble a hint of dizziness hitting me.  "Are you okay? What happened??" I wipe the tears that we're still falling. I just couldn't stop crying.

"I was just s-standing here and this man just came behind me and pushed me to the ground and started to choke me." My voice was Shakey and I couldn't calm my nerves. My hands were shaking really bad. Jimin grabbed his jacket from the ground and put it around me after dusting it off. "Me and Kylie were coming to find you because Jin had called us to come to the lobby and you wouldn't answer and then I see your girlfriend ALONE being choked the fuck out!!! Now that we have that solved, where the fuck were you!?"

"Yoongi he was paying our bill and I went to wait for him. It wasn't his fault." Jimin looked at me with confusion. He had told me to wait out by the car. Well in the car but he had the keys. "I want you to at least apologise to her Jimin, if it wasn't for me she would have died. Meet us at the lobby it's important." Yoongi and Kylie walk away towards the cabins.

Jimin grabbed me into his embrace, his face in the crook in my neck. "I'm so, so, so, so sorry. I should have been with you, I should have had you wait with me." I felt hot tears against my neck. I wrapped my arms around him. "Jimin it isn't your fault okay? I'm okay now. It's okay."

He looked at me and grabbed my shoulders. "No it's not! I should be there for you. What would I do if you died? Huh? I can't lose someone again."

"Park Jimin, shut the fuck up and love me. I'm fine, I'm breathing, I forgive you even if it isn't your fault, I love you, you look hot tonight, dinner was amazing and I loved it so much, thank you so much! Now let's go to the lobby." I gave him a peck and grabbed him shoving him in the car.

Later we get to the lobby. Everyone asked if I was okay and I nod it off. I'm really okay. Just a little shaken up. Jin was sitting on the couch with J Hope. Everyone was crowding around them.

"We have a slight problem guys... We might have to leave earlier than we thought." Everyone eyes were wide and looking at Jin. Namjoon crossed his arms shifting posture. "What do you mean?"

"PD called. They want us back to Korea in two days to go on tour. It looks like our summer is ending a little early." His head was down. He looked really upset. "I'm sorry guys, I didn't know." The rest of us groaned. Everyone looked really upset. "We need to make our two days memorable as possible." Kookie says. We all nod. I was kind of upset that my time with Jimin is going to be cut short.

I hope he stays strong, because that means diets, working from five to ten. Little time to sleep, little time to talk. Nothing but work, preform. My little mochi will be so tired when he gets home. "Well let's get some rest. Tomorrow we can all go out somewhere." Everyone said their goodnights and headed their ways to the cabins.

Me and Jimin went into the cabin to take our showers and get ready for bed. After I had my shower, I cuddle next to Jimin. He wraps his arms around me sighing deeply. "I'm still sorry." I roll my eyes and elbow him. "Shut up you fucking noodle! I AM FIIIINNEEE!!" Jimin kicks me back but a little to hard to the point I fall off the bed. He whispers a small tired 'oops'

"You're not even going to say sorry? Ass." I get back on the bed and plop on top of Jimin. "Get of-", "shut up you limp looking noodle and go to sleep."

"Night sugar toots."

"Night bitch."


The sunlight beams in my eye blinding me. Today is our last day here.. he called and made it one day so the boys can practice and all. "Jimin? Hand me my phone please." Jimin groans and grabs my phone handing it to me. I had a missed call from my father. "Hello?" The deep voice echoed in my ear.

"Dad, I missed a call from you?"

"Yes, I wanted to see how your holding up, you know..."

"I'm okay I guess. I'm hurt but I don't want it to get in the way."

"Does your guy know? Er Hoseok perhaps?"

"Mm no. I don't want to bother anyone with it."

"Okay, I was just checking up on you. I'll talk to you later." I put my phone down. I didn't tell him I was in America because I didn't want to deal with anything right now.

"Guys get up, we're going out!!"

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