Chapter 16

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Lexi’s POV

The tears on his pale skin trailed down his cheeks. Why would he cry? He isn’t supposed to feel anything. He isn’t supposed to care. He looked up at me. His eyes were dark and filled with lust.

“Come here" his voice was so rough and deep that it made me jump at the sudden sound.

“Come here, now!” I jump back as he stands up speed walking to me. “Jim- ah!” he grabbed me by the wrist and started to drag me to the hallway. “Jimin it’s late, maybe we should re- ow!” his grip got tighter each time I spoke. I was scared. I was genuinely scared. Is he going to hurt me? All the possibles ran through my head. The things he could do and no one would hear my screams for help. “What’s wrong.” he didn’t say anything as we entered the room. He released my wrist and looked at me. He slowly wiped the tears off of his face. “I don’t care.” was all he said before his soft lips were against mine. His hands cupped my face. It was soft and slow. I then realized he started to cry again because of salty taste against my lips. Everything was slow until he pushed me against the wall. “I don’t care… if it’s late. We had a deal.” There goes my heart. He smashes his lips on mine making me whimper. "You have to stop loving me goddamnit!" He punches the walls next to me. He goes in for a kiss leaving small bites on my bottom lip. "If I ever hear that your with another man, you will get it Alexis Elaina Garcia. You will pay."


Taehyung’s POV

Kookie was sleeping soundly next to me. The poor boy cried himself to sleep as he poured his feeling out, about how his crush didn’t interest him when he kissed her. How kissing her didn’t feel right. How kissing a girl didn’t feel right. He said he never hung out with girls until he met her. He was lonesome during school and when we were trainees we didn’t really get time to ourselves to socialize with the outside world. It was work, work, work. He just pretty much said that being around guys for at least eight years had put a big affect on him. Not only that, his sexuality. I wanted to tell him right then and there that I’m in love with him but he would just get to overwhelmed and probably have another breakdown. I honestly just want to wait until things calm down. I don’t want to pressure him. He means the world to me. I can’t bare to see him in pain or even slightly overwhelmed. I want him to be okay first. Him first. Always.

“Hyung?” I heard soft groaning next to me. Jungkook was awake and stretching. His eyes puffy from crying and his face pale from all the tiredness. I hated seeing this side of him. I want kooie back right now! “What time is it?” I looked over at the clock then back at him. “It’s only 9am Kook, you can rest some more if needed.” he just shook his head and got out of bed to head out.

“I’m going to go make breakfast, wanna join? The rest of the boys are still asleep and Yoongi Hyung won’t be home until later.” I nod and follow him to the kitchen in our dorm. He was cracking eggs and putting them in the skillet. “You can make the french toast, Hyung bought some more flour to make some.” I go over and grab the flour, taking some out in a bowl for the french toast. Kookie was watching the eggs. His small form so focused on the produced round shell. I dab my finger in the flour and smudge some on his nose. He gasps out, flailing his arms out, “Hyung!!! Get back here!” he grabs a handful of flour from the package as I had the bowl.

Jungkook throw the handful at my face blinding me. I cough out, “you little shi-”. “LANGUAGE HYUNG!” “YOU SAID DICK THE OTHER DAY!” he laughs out grabbing more flour and throwing it at me as for I do the same.

We were chasing each other around the kitchen, laughing and carrying on. That's when we bump into each other and he slips and tries to grab me but fails and drags me with him. I fall onto him breathlessly. His eyes were wide, trying to catch his breath. He was holding onto my shoulders. “H-hyung?” I didn’t answer. I just stared into his eyes. Not one word spoken. My face was inching towards his. He raises his head almost closing the space. I feel the lightest touch of his lips until his eyes widen and he curses out loud. “The egg!-” “we’re home! And by WE I mean me and Kylie!” shit. Shit. shit. O lord. Pray boo, pray. Yoongi and Kylie walk in the kitchen to see me and Jungkook in the same position. “I KNEW IT!!! I KNEW YOU HAD A THING FOR HIM!!!” Kylie yells out. “CALLED IT FRICKEN FRACKEN CALLED IT!” Yoongi looked at her like she was on crack. “N-no! Me and Hyung were just messing around and fell.” he claimed as he pushed me off and got up, dusting himself off. “Mmmhmm we all know you guys are secretly gay for each ot-” Yoongi slaps a hand over Kylie’s mouth. “She’s a bit tired. I think i’ll go put her to sleep.” Yoongi left the room. Leaving me and Jungkook red faced.

Short chapter but I really need to get to the point in this. SHIT ABOUT TO GO DOWN

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