Chapter 21

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Lexi’s POV

It was currently 3am and we were all heading to the airport. We were all half tired, except for J Hope. he was the sunshine to our sleepiness. He was very excited. Everyone was but it didn’t seem like it. Me on the other hand, I wasn’t so sure about the trip. I’m afraid things will go wrong. My feelings are wracked. I haven’t told anyone about my mothers recent death. I plan to keep it that way to. The airport was cold and semi empty. People were dozing off as they wait at the gates for their plane or someone. We all sit at the lobby as Namjoon takes our tickets to the front desk. Jin yawns and cuddles into Taehyung, both drifting in a small slumber.

Yoongi and Kylie were talking about how stupid politics are. Hobi was napping on my shoulder and Jimin was talking to Mare about who know what. I look over at Jimin. He seemed different.. The bags under his eyes were no longer there, he didn’t look sad or depressed. He look liked when I had first met him.. Cocky, sweet, and handsome. He probably moved on and found someone who he can love. Maybe it’s for the best. I should stay with J hope and he can stay with whoever is making him happy. He smiled and laughed as him and Mare talked so he seemed genuinely happy. If he is happy then I am. “The plane to America is boarding please ,all passengers have five minutes to board the plane.” Namjoon comes to us with our seat numbers.

“Okay I have your guys’s seats. Hoseok and Taehyung, Maryanna and me, Yoongi and Kylie, Jin and Jungkook, and Lexi and Jimin so sorry if you can’t stand who you are sitting with but suck it up.” I groan mentally. It’s not that I don’t want to sit with him, it’s the fact that i’m scared of him. Jimin is very blunt so he won’t be scared to start a conversation. “Okay, on the plain!” I grab my suitcase and follow the group to the plane. Me and Jimin has seat D19. I need to thank Namjoon later because he got first class and it’s pretty expensive. I find D19 and sit by the window. Later everyone is aboard and Jimin finds his way next to me. “The plain is now taking off, all passenger buckle up safely and enjoy your flight.” I sigh after buckle up only to grab Jimin’s attention. I keep my face turned to the window as he starts to talk to me. I can talk but I can’t seem to look at him. It hurts. “Hey Sugar Toots.” my eyes widen. I haven’t heard that nickname since nom. “You haven’t called me that in a long time.” he chuckles and shifts in his seat. “I know but, it sticks with you.”

“yeah..Mochi Cakes.” we both laugh and giggle. It felt good to laugh with him. “Hey, why don’t you look at me?” he aks. He grabs my face, forcing me to look at him. “If I told you why things wouldn’t be so giddy.” his smirk drops. “Tell me.” he was still holding my face. He was really close to my face to the point I could feel his hot breath on my face. “If I look at you, it will only leave me to realize that I broke your heart and I can’t look at someone I hurt. And I’m going to have too soon.” he scrunches his face sadly. “What do you mean? Are you breaking up with Hoseok?” I sigh. He lets go of my face. “Turns out he was a rebound. I can’t seem to feel the same for him. I’m still in love with someone else.” I look at Jimin. He was red. “If you love anyone else, I will kill you.” I laugh. “You seem better from when I last saw you.” he smiles and turns to me. “Yeah. It’s because I realized something amazing and I can’t wait to tell you.”

“Oh really? When are you going to tell me?” I ask. I wanted to know. I was anxious to. “When I feel like it’s time, just know that you won’t be in pain any more Sugar Toots.” he says. He grabs his phone and puts his earphones in and closes his eyes. I had no idea what he meant so I grabbed a blanket from the flight attendant and fall into a slumber.

I wake up to J Hope shaking me. “Lexi, we’re here come on.” I open my eyes and look around to see a half empty plane. I grab my suitcase and head of the plane into the car with the group. Namjoon and Jin had rented a loan for us to use while we were here. We decided to go to Florida so here we are. I lived in small town in the state of Oklahoma. I’ve never been to Florida and it was really pretty here. “Okay guys. Here is the jiff, me and Jin are going to check out the cabin we are staying and for the meantime I will let you guys walk around and explore. Jungkook jumped up and down in his seat. “I’m going with Tae hyung!!!” Tae looked at him and smiled. I can tell Tae has a thing for him. It’s the way he looked at Kookie. He had that sparkle in his eye. I would know. “Lexi, do you want to go walk around with me?” J hope asks me. He had a camera in his hand so I guess he will be taking photos.

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