Chapter 4

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Jimin's POV

she just punched me in the crotch And it didn't feel to good either. Kylie and Yoongi were laughing their asses off. The other eight were confused because they were hooked on the movie. Lexi was saying sorry every one second all red faced..

And I was counting to ten to supress the pain.

"The first dick lexi touched!" Kylie yells still laughing and then making Yoongi laugh harder.

"That's as far as she is ever going to get!!!" Lexi was redder than a tomatoe and Kylie plus Yoongi were getting a kick out of this.

"Are you okay?" Nodding I get up and head to the bathroom. Dont need any more crotch punching now do we?

Lexi's POV

I was embarrassed...

"Kylieeeee stoooppp it's not funny!"

She looks at me very serously, "your right lexi it isn't....It's FUCKING HILARIOUS!!!" She continues to laugh. Grabbing the pellow, I jump on her putting it over her face making her kick Jungkook right on the head. Now Jungkook was hurt. Kylie pushes me off making me land on Taehyung.

Taehyung swings his arm smacking Namjoon, then Namjoon reflexing and head butting Maryanna.

Witch leads Mare to back head butt Yoongi. Jin was laughing Because he wasn't injured. J hope was also with Jin. Everyone was on the floor groaning and rubbing their heads and limbs.

Jimin walks in stopping abruptly. "Did I miss something?"

"Yeah, dip stick over here tried to smother Kylie and then Kylie making her kick Kook, then pushes her and she lands on Tae then Tae smacks Joon and Joon head butts Maryanna then Maryanna head Butts Yoongs."

"O.....k, Wait where is Lexi?"

Meanwhile I snuck outside. I need to breathe. It was to hot in there. I didn't know I would be embarassing myself. I really wanted to make a good impression on Mochi Cakes in there. Sense he's friends with J hope I will be seeing him more frequently. I don't know. I don't think I can trust another man after what happened in America.

But that was highschool puppy love. I'm a adult, a grown woman. What could go wrong? What worse could happen now from then? What could possibly go wrong?

Nothing right? Everything would be fine...right? It will be all bubbly and happy and i'll never have to cry again.....right?

I wouldn't have to be in pain screaming in the agony I once was. I would smile and shine like I use to. I would be a 'person' as Noelani calls it. I asked her for advice sense she is the only one in our group with the long lasting relationship and many times she would tell me to get a boyfriend or get laid. But Thats what everyone says.

"You need a boyfriend!" Or "you really need to hit the bed!" Why? Why can't I go slow and just wait? Whats wrong with being friends? It's not like I want more from Jimin then friendship. Just a random cocky guy I met at a movie theater. I don't want a relationship nor do I want sex. It's a dangerous game i'm playing and I need to play it wisely or i'll end up hurt. Just don't get to close...thats attachment.


Jimin's POV

Warm summer air hits my face. Only small breezes here and there but not much. Today was the starting of our summer vacation. Meaning no concerts or practice from 5 AM to 9 PM, no worrying of you'll get injured before a concert.. Nothing but relaxation. Doing what we want. No more diets or worries.

Soft lips came into my mind. Who was I thinking of. Soft tan skin take up my vision. A small smile invades my heart. Who? Who could possibly be interrupting my free time. Light brown eye's come into view. Red cheeks. Park Jimin stop.... Keep walking, just keep walking.

Inaudible sorry's fill my ear's. Visions from last night replay over and over in my head. She wouldn't let me drive her home. It sadden me to. She looked so uncomfortable. Did I do something? Say something? I shake my head. Stop Park Jimin. Your confident! You know she wasn't. She's fine. Everything is fine.

A bell rings as I open the door. The place wasn't crowded but there was a good amount of people here for coffee.

"1000 won."

"That's cheap for a cup of coffee?"

The cashier smiles. "Were having a summer special today, were everything is cheaper then most days, Just be glad... We never have specials like this!" Paying I find a booth. I heard the manager here at Winters was a douche bag and a major perve. But hey, i'm not complaining about the price. Iced coffee with extra Carmel. Mmm, it's good. Refreshes my body. Nothings better than a day with fresh iced coffee. Unless it's a day with sugar toots then count me in. I don't know her well but the fact she works here, friends with Hobi and is an expert at punching crotches! She does have a somewhat cocky attitude. J hope went on about how I should keep my mind in the gutter when the girls come over and it was hard hehe you know how many 'thats what she said' jokes i could've made under the two minutes they were there. Alot, trust me. But I managed.

Lexi's POV

It's my day off today then I go back to work for a whole week. Its sunday today just in case you didn't know and J hope will be there. Walking into Winter's Cafe the smell of fresh grounded coffee beans fills my nose. The smell of coffee and the sound of family and friends talking about how their morning is so far. Smiling I walk to the counter, " umm can I have the special for today?" Nodding she fixes me a cup of fresh coffee.

" boss was feeling good today so everything is on special, 1000 won."

"Well i'll be damned." I say paying. Turning to find a seat, a certain face catches my eye. Shit. He can't know i'm here. I'm still embarassed from last night. Quickly before he see's me I get in a seat in the far corner of the shop. I grab a nearby newspaper that we keep to keep customer entertained, and use it to hide my face. I peek to see if he had left but instead he see's me. I hide quickly hoping he just thought he saw me.

I look up, he's walking towards me. I hide in the newspaper again. I can see him hovering over me sipping on his cup in the corner of my eye. I look up with a smile "ooohhh heeeyyy, didn't see you there."

I scoot over letting him sit by me. "Why are you hiding from me?" He asks inching closer to my face.

"I-i wasn't i didn-"

"Oh cut the crap, stop lying to me will ya?" He was way to close. To to to close for my liking. "Why would you hide from me anyway? Am I that bad to be seen with?"

Shaking my and looking at my hands I answer. "N-no I was. I thought I would be instead..."

"This is about last night huh?" Shaking his head he laughs. "You know i'm not mad right? All you did was pinched me ACCIDENTALLY on the crotch, your so oblivious."

"Oh stop being cocky you little a-"

"Oo language sugar toots!" He says tsking. "Stop calling me that!"

"Not in a hundred years. Im way to handsom to not like being seen with."

"Your the ugliest thing i've seen" I say laughing

He puts a hand over his heart, " ouch, im going to need stitches for my now broken heart"

He sits up about to leave. "Well sugar toots I have somewhere to be, but why don't you text me and we plan something."

"Sure thing friend."

"I'm your friend? Is that a new nickname? If so i'de rather have Mochi Cakes. Anyway, see you later friend."

Jimin leaves with a wave.


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