Chapter 6

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Lexi's POV

It's been a whole week. And I'm bored.  I hung out with Jimin but I want to hang out with him more. J hope was off today but i've been pushing him away for Jimin lately.

I just... I don't know how to feel.. He just gives me that feeling you know? Like I want to be around him 24/7. I feel like a pet. I don't want that. I want to be that independent woman that is a leader... Not a sheep. But I bother Jimin like a lost puppy. Sometimes I think he gets annoyed, because when we hang out he is either bored or is busy so needs to go. So I also have been pushing him away so I won't seem like a loner when i actually am.

Sad right?

My thumb was hovering over his number.

Call him you idiot.

Or text him...

No. Call.

Shit. I click the message button.

Lexi: hey.... Jimin? I was wondering if you wanted to hang out tonight?

I waited for a reply. 2 minutes later i get a text.

Mochi Cakes: well sense i'll see you tonight anyway Kylie told Yoongi to tell me to tell you that she is holding a party at her house. Bangtan is going and some of her co- workers.

Lexi: okay... I'll talk to you later.

Mochi Cakes: sure thing! See you later.

Kylie texted Yoongi instead of me? Hm wierd. I guess i'll ask her about that. I didn't know she was even fond of the boys, guess so.

I was still bored. Maybe i could go shopping for the party? I get up and go to my room digging in my closet.

Nothing suitable for a party. I had granny clothes. I really need a better fashion taste. I throw on a t shirt and leggings. I dont care what i look like at the mall. But at a party. Yes i care.

I grab my wallet and walk out the door. I was thinking on maybe calling Maryanna and taking her to the mall with me but I remembered that she was busy taking her finals test this morning so i bet she is still in there.

So i called Noelani. She agreed but Angel will be with us which is fine. I like Angel. she makes my friend happy and thats what matters.

I get in my car driving to Noelani's.

"Hey sexy!" I roll my eyes smiling.

"Hey Lani, hey Angel."

"Okay what are you going to the mall for?" I put some music on turning the volume low but not to low.

"Oh well Kylie is having a party and i wanted you guys to come and help me get an outfit. Maybe get an opinion. And later we can go have some kimchi together before the party!"

She nods. "Well i won't be there sense i have a shift at the shop but Angel will be going with Mare so she'll be there,"

"Plus, why do you want to look nice? I mean, do you boo but you usally dont care about what you look like. Who you trying to impress?"

My cheeks flush a light red. Who was I impressing?

"Nobody. Myself." Noelani shakes her head.


"What about this?" I look up to Noelani holding a red Vans crop top.
"I dont know... I want to look cute and hot but not to sluty you know?" We have been at the mall for an hour or so and I couldn't seem to find a outfit. Noelani was helping me go the right path while Angel was just giving the opinion as i try things on.

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