13| Day Off

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After being all over Canada and the west coast watching hockey and learning along the way I was finally home sweet home. And while it was fun to travel and learn so many new things and make such great memories, it was nice to be home. Here I can put things into perspective and look at my life as I try to help other with theirs. A lot has happened since I left and I needed some time to digest it all.

I wake up late for once and roll out of my comfy bed. I open my blinds and smile when I notice that Chicago was actually sunny for once. I loved fall in the city but there was rarely any sunshine, that's why today was so special. After I take a long shower I slip into sweat pants and one of my dads sweaters I stole from home. I make myself a cup of coffee to prepare for a long day ahead of me. And not long because of work, for I had a much needed day off and I had zero plans. But it was long because I didn't know what to do for the foreseeable future and I was ready to let the day get away from me.

Around 11 o'clock there was a knock on my door and I let out a long sigh. Over the trip Corey convinced me to get a Netflix account to pass the time and he showed me some good shows to watch. I didn't want the account at first because I knew this was going to happen but I didn't know what to do while he was at practice so I broke down and got it. And now that I finally have time to sit down and binge... I'm still needed elsewhere. So I reluctantly pull myself of the couch and shuffle my fuzzy sock covered feet to the door. I open it up and become confused when I see a man in khakis and a black shirt holding a admittedly beautiful bouquet of flowers.

"Uh... hello" I ask a bit confused as to why this was happening.

"Hello mam', are you Jessica Davidson" he asks.

"I am" I assure him.

"Then these are for you, and I just need your signature saying that I delivered the flowers to you and you got them" he says pushing a piece of paper attached to a clipboard towards me. I finally take it from him and sign before he trades me the flowers for the paper.

I close the door behind me as I head to my kitchen. I set down the bouquet of brightly colored flowers and take a good look at them. They were gorgeous, there is no denying that. But I had no idea who sent them or why.

Finally I find a card in the flowers and pull it out. I smile big once I recognize the handwriting was Corey's and that he must have done this.

"Dear Jess,

I know this is supposed to be our day apart, but I still can't stop thinking about you. Now that you're gone I realize how dim my life is without you in it to brighten my days. It's only been a few hours since we last saw each other but sometimes it feels like a lifetime.

You always tell me to write down my thoughts because each thought I have has a deeper meaning to my life and only when I write it down can I see what my hearts trying to tell me. And I think my heart is choosing you. Even thought it shouldn't, who am I to stop it? Even if we can't be together I love it when we are together. I love watching you smile when I compliment you because no matter how much I do it you still blush. I love the feeling I get when you say something that is about to change my life and you said it like it was nothing. That means the world to me, to be able to have someone like you in my life.

And while things aren't exactly how I want them to be, I couldn't ask for more from you. You truly are my favorite human and I love how strong and smart you make me feel. I've never felt this good about my life before and it's all thanks to you. You have never just been a life coach to me, you're my beast friend and I just wanted to say thank you...

For everything.

Much love, Mr. Crawford."

I roll my eyes at the last part before setting the note to the side. I put the flowers up in my window and it really brought the place together. I decide to call Corey even though this was our day off and he still picks up.

"What? You miss me already" he teases.

"I should be asking you that" I insist.

"Wow... they deliver those flowers fast" he gasps.

"Don't you have other things to worry about" I ask as I sit back down on the couch.

"I do. I could be watching film or making Christmas plans with my family. But instead of doing any of that I'm catching up on House of Cards so you don't spoil it for me" he says and I laugh.

"Great... now we will have something that's actually important to talk about in our meeting tomorrow" I tease.

"Exactly" he laughs.

"Well I just called to thank you for the flowers, they're amazing and I love them" I insist.

"I was hoping" he admits.

"Well then, I guess I'll see you tomorrow" I say.

"I'll see you then" he assures me.

I press the end call button and stare at my phone. Corey's picture comes up on the screen and I find myself smiling bigger than I should have been. You know how they say it's the right person at the wrong time... that's exactly how I felt right now. Even though I wasn't good with relationships, I know mine with him was something more than anything I've ever had before. He was different, and not different like a client, but different like a soul mate. Even as friends he meant the world to me and I wanted so bad to see him do good. And don't get me wrong, he's doing great. In the three months we've known each other he has grown right before my eyes and I'm so proud of him. But changing is only half the fight, staying that way is a whole another issue we have yet to tackle. But if anyone can do it, it would be him.

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