9| Secrets Out

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The life coaching with Corey has been going really well so far. This whole concept of trying to make someone's life better is so hard because no two people are alike. I can't use the same techniques on every person, we're not hard wired like that. Each person needs something different and it's my job to give Corey whatever it is he needs.

And Corey's plan is a learning process, at first he was denying the help, but now he's going above and beyond. He's opened up and he's listening and he's learning. He wouldn't admit it but the way he was living was slowly killing him. And it was showing, that's why the Blackhawks reached out to me. It was really important to me to help him because I could see in his eyes he was capable of being this incredible guy. He's shown flashes of it but it was time for him to change.

And change he has.

Each year in November the Blackhawks go on this "circus trip" where for two weeks they have nothing but away games because the circus is at the United Center and they can't play there. I've never had a client be gone for two weeks while we were working, even Will Smith was available after a few days. And we can do our meetings over the phone but it's not the same, I can't do my work if I can't look him in the eyes and see how they move or notice when his breathing picks up when there's something hard to talk about. So I wasn't sure what I was supposed to do, Corey said he was going to talk with the organization and see what they could do.

Finally he calls me so I can figure out what I'm supposed to do for the next two weeks.

"Good news" he starts.

"I like good news" I admit.

"The organization is paying for your travels and a place to stay. You're coming on the road" he tells me.

"You seriously got them to do that for you" I ask.

"Well yeah. They think you're doing a great job, and they don't want us to back track. They want us to keep moving forward" he insists.

"I do too, but I feel like this is all too much" I say. 

"I'm not sure we have another choice" he insists and I sigh. I guess he's right.

"Alright then, what do I need to do" I wonder.

"Pack a bunch of clothes then I'll be there in a hour to pick you up" he says.

"Are you sure this is a good idea" I ask cautiously.

"Positive" he insists.

After we hang up I start to pack. Most of my wardrobe was business casual and some more formal things too. I liked to dress up and make myself pretty every once in a while and I had a lifestyle that let me do it. So once everything was finally stuffed into my bag I head downstairs. Corey picks me up and we head to the airport.

I sit there in the holding area and wait as the guys show up and they load the plane with their things, some of them question how I got on this flight with them and Corey was always trying to make it seem like I wasn't his life coach while explaining that I wasn't his girlfriend either, which was pretty difficult.

"How long do you plan to keep this from them" I wonder as we sit in the chairs waiting to board the plane.

"Until they're more understanding... so never" he chuckles.

"How do you know they won't understand" I ask.

"Because that's just how they are" he insists.

"And they're human too, just like you. They might understand what you're going through and maybe even help you, but not if you keep things from them" I say.

"I'm scared they'll make fun of me" he claims.

"You're not afraid of what you do know, you're afraid of what you don't know. You're afraid of what can happen, what might happen, never of what will actually happen. You think these guys don't care, that they just want to mess around and poke at you, and while that may be true they care about you too. Not everyone knows your worth, but these guys do. They know that you are this teams backbone and without you they can't stand. I've done my research, I've watched the interviews and these guys want nothing but the best for you. Last year in the playoffs when you got taken out they advocated for you. They kicked themselves in the pants for how they played in front of you and whenever asked they said that you were their number one goalie. I know it seems like they're not capable of understanding but they are. You can't be scared because of something someone might say, you have to know that these guys are your real friends and they really care about you too" I explain.

"It all makes so much sense when you say it, but why is it still so hard for me to tell them" he wonders.

"Because you're jumping into the deep end of a pool you never swam in before. Start with one person, then when you see that you were worried for nothing the rest falls into place" I say.

"But who" he asks.

"Well the captain is coming over now" I tell him and his eyes get big. Jonathan approaches us as he sits down in the chairs on the other side of the table separating us.

"Hey Jess, are you coming on this trip with us" he asks.

"Indeed I am" I smile.

"That's really cool. Are you coming as Corey's girlfriend finally" he asks and I start to blush.

"No" Corey says saving me form embarrassment. "She's my life coach" he says slowly and Jon's eyes get big.

"A life coach" he asks and Corey nods.

"She's been helping me since the beginning of the season. After what happened in the playoffs last year and my mentality and some questionable actions since then, the organization gave me a ultimatum, get help or get out. So I got help and Jessica... she's the help" he explains.

"Well I'm happy for you. You guys work really good together" Jon claims and I smile.

"You're not gonna give me shit" Corey asks.

"I might be your captain but I'm still your friend. I know we're not always the most approachable people in the world, but you're our heart and soul. We need you and we need you at your best. And if you're at your best with Jessica then not only will I accept it, but I encourage it" Jonathan explains.

I softly nudge Corey and he smiles at me.

"Told you so" I tease and be laughs.

"Alright alright fine... you were right. You're always right" he claims.

"Damn right I am" I assure him.

"You know I was really hoping she was coming because you two were together" Jonathan claims.

"You have such a way of ruining good moments" Corey scoffs.

"Thank you" Jon teases.

What did I just get myself into?

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