49| You're My Bestfriend

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Once everyone gets back in town from being apart all summer we all go to Jonnies apartment to hang out. A few of the guys from the 2013 championship team was gone, but the ones that are still here all flood into Jonnies place for some music and beer and to hang out. Luckily for Jess and I it was a short trek up a few floors so she insisted going early to help Lindsey set up and I was gonna help Jon break in the beer.

"Jonny, where are the cups" Jess asks as she continues to set up.

"Ummm I think I left them in the car" he admits as I start to laugh.

"What good are they gonna do is there" Jess teases.

"I forgot" Jonny fake shuns and I just shake my head. How is it they're the two most professional and straight like people I know and they act like this.

"I'll go get it" Lindsey offers.

"I'll come with. I gotta grab something out of my apartment on our way back" Jess insists.

"Oh! Can you show me your record player? I was thinking about getting one for this place" Lindsey claims.

"Of course. Lets go" Jess agrees.

The girls take off and Jon and I finish setting up the kitchen with foods and setting out the drinks even though we didn't have cups yet.

"I gotta tell you Crow, you got yourself a real good girl" he mentions as we continue to work.

"What makes you say that" I wonder. Because I know what he said was true, but I was curious as to why he thought so.

"She's just so real, it's refreshing. She tells it as it is and she never shys from the truth. She can make you see things that you've looked at you whole life in a new way, it's incredible. I can't even describe it, just how well she has a handle on this life we live. She understands me because she understands life, it's just nice to know that someone like her is around. I would really like for her to be a part of the organization. Guys come and go from here but there's a lot of stuff we need to here that were not so willing to talk about. And not a lot of guys will like what she has to say but I know she'll say it. Maybe that's what we need in the hard times where we all shut down" he admits.

"I mentioned something about her reaching out and helping more people. But if her being with the organization is a option then I like that plan better" I insist.

"Well I haven't said anything yet, but I think it could be good. If you feel better then you'll play better and she will definitely make you feel good" he claims and I lift my eyebrow at him. "Calm down, it's not anything like that. In fact things with Lindsey and I have only gotten better since we started this" he assures me.

"Well that's good. I couldn't imagine her not helping someone" I admit.

"She's like... the Patrick Kane of the mind" he claims and I laugh.

"She is" I agree.

Eventually they come back and not empty handed. Lindsey has cups in her hands and Jess just brought the whole record player up here.

"You're honorary DJ is here" she teases and I laugh. I help her get the record player in safely and set up. "Alright. Do you guys want Queen, Queen, or Queen" she asks holding up the album that was already in there.

"Hmmm. I'm not sure, I'm kinda feeling Queen" Jonny jokes.

"Don't worry, I have other ones. But this is all I brought up with me" she explains.

"I'm good with Queen" Jonny insists.

"Me too" Lindsey agrees.

"Then let's make this record spin" I insist.

We play some music and the people come in. The drinks were served and the food was eaten. It was great to see everyone after a long summer apart.

"Come dance with me" Jess insists as she grabs my hand and she pulls me out of the kitchen and into the living room.

"I haven't even had a beer yet" I whine.

"And this is a record so this is the only time we can dance to this" she reminds me.

So I let her pull me out of my corner and into the middle of the living room before she pulls me close. As I look into her eyes I start to relax.

"Ooh, you make me live
Whatever this world can give to me
It's you you're all I see
Ooh, you make me live now honey
Ooh, you make me live

Oh, you're the best friend that I ever had
I've been with you such a long time
You're my sunshine and I want you to know
That my feelings are true
I really love you

Oh, you're my best friend."

I spin her around on my finger before pulling her into my chest. She giggles as I hold her close so that she doesn't try to sneak away to dance with her friends. For this dance she was all mine.

I easily get lost in her eyes as I can see my reflection in them. She smiles as big as ever as we dance around. I try to keep up with her but there was no rhythm in these hips of mine. But she doesn't laugh when I miss a beat or try to fix me, no. Instead she does what I need and she loves me just the way I am.

"Ooh you're making me live

Ooh, I've been wandering 'round
But I still come back to you
In rain or shine
You've stood by me girl
I'm happy at home
You're my best friend

Ooh, you make me live
Whenever this world is cruel to me
I got you to help me forgive

Ooh, you make me live now honey
Ooh, you make me live."

I get broken from my trace when I look around and see all the guys with their loved ones in their arms dancing around.

"You got a way of making a good impression on people" I admit.

"I'm just here loving my boyfriend as everyone else found the one they loved the most to dance with too. I'm nothing special" she claims and I laugh.

"You're one in seven billion. And I'm lucky because you're my best friend" I insist.

"I feel like best friend describes us perfectly" she agrees.

"You're the first one
When things turn out bad
You know I'll never be lonely
You're my only one
And I love the things
I really love the things that you do
Oh, you're my best friend

Ooh, you make me live
I'm happy at home
You're my best friend
Oh, you're my best friend
Ooh, you make me live
You're my best friend."

Once the song comes to a end I dip her backwards as she holds on tighter so she doesn't fall. I press my lips to hers and hear someone start clapping. So I reluctantly break apart and pull her up to her feet. But she stays in my arms as I get lost in her eyes again.

"You're making quite the scene Mr. Crawford" she smirks and I laugh.

"Only for you" I promise.

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