44| Animal House

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After the vacation and my birthday things really settle down. Corey's parents come by and we celebrate the Fourth of July at the pier. We hang out with Freddie a lot and listen to the record spin over and over. We just enjoy the seldom time we can spend together and fall more in love. Let the pieces of life fall in our lap and put them where they belong.

This early August day we decide to go out for a date night. We try to get out of the apartment as much as possible because it's easy to get lost in here and not want to leave. But we decide to go walk around the zoo today so I can take pictures of the animals and for some reason that makes me happy.

"Oh look at the little otters" I squeal as I look over the railing. The little otters swim around and jump in the water and I thought my head was going to explode. They were so freaking cute.

"Is there a animal here you don't like" Corey asks as he joins me. He's been following me around here listening to me go on about how cute the animals were all afternoon.

"No. Why would I not like a animal? They're animals, they haven't done anything wrong and they're all primal so everything they do is for a reason. Can't dislike them for that" I insist.

"Is there anything you don't like in general" he questions and I laugh.

"There's plenty I don't like" I defend.

"Like what" he questions.

"I don't like the way that we as people treat one another. I think it's awful, how we know people are suffering and don't help. We see only what is good for us and get mad when the ugly makes itself known. Everyone wants a bunch of friends until their friends need something, god forbid we can just be kind to one another without a real reason to be. All the answer to our problems can be found within one another, but people aren't willing to reach out a hand unless they get something in return. It's awful" I admit.

"So what do you get for helping people" he questions and I smile.

"The satisfaction that I can make a difference in someone's life. People nowadays just coexist and they call it being in love. They don't hate this person and to them that's enough to be their best friend. I love doing what I do because I can help someone change their life, I can help them see that there's so much more out there than simply existing based off of other people. What I get for helping people is another person in this world who sees just how powerful they are and maybe, just maybe they'll use it for good too" I explain.

"You should run for President, I would vote for you" he claims and I laugh.

"I know you're Canadian so let me say this just this once... being a part of this government is nothing to be proud of" I explain and he nods.

"I kinda figured" he admits.

"But if I could possibly change the minds of enough people, that would be pretty great" I sigh.

"Maybe you should start up your own business. You can travel and go talk to school or sports teams or something. Spread the word about the power the mind gives us" he mentions and I smile at him.

"You think I can pull something like that off" I question.

"I think you can do anything you put your mind to" he claims.

"I'll think about that" I say as he grabs my hand.

We continue to walk around the zoo and I get enough pictures to last me a lifetime. As we head on the way out one of the workers stops Corey for a second.

"Can I get a picture" the kid asks and Corey turns to me. I nod my head in the kids direction and Corey agrees to give him the picture.

I happily take the picture for the kid and he lights up. Whether Corey knows it or not, he's truly loved in this city and I love when people come up to him.

"Can I ask you for a favor" Corey asks the kid before we leave.

"Anything" the kid claims.

"Can you take me and my girlfriend to see the otters" he asks and my eyes go big.

"Yeah! Let me take you to my boss and she'll love to take you back there. They're the best animals for people to meet and it's pretty chill here today so it should be no problem" the kid claims.

"Seriously" I ask.

"Yeah. Follow me" he insists.

We follow him into the water animals section of the zoo and he takes us into the building where the otters go when the zoo is closed. We find a older looking woman with a otter in her hand and a bunch more running around and I gasp.

"Hey Shelly. I got Corey here who plays for the Blackhawks and him and his girlfriend would like to see the otters" he explains as she smiles.

"Well it is a pleasure to meet you both" she says reaching out with her free hand as she holds the otter in her hand. "It's about feeding time so you guys can help us" she claims and I try really hard not to freak out.

We go into where they get fed and once we get in there they all run over.

"Can I pick one up" I ask.

"Of course. They might nip at you but it won't hurt" she assures me.

I pick up one of the tiny otters as it begins to chatter. It starts to cuddle up in my arms and I feel my heart melt.

"Oh my god" I whisper as it just stares at me. The little thing was so soft and so small.

"That's Maggie. She's a few weeks old and she's a fan favorite" Shelly explains.

"She's precious" I admit.

"And Corey has Tank, he's the leader of the zoo otters" she explains.

"Just a random question... are residence here in Chicago allowed to own a otter" Corey asks and I laugh. He was such a secret softy.

"No. But you guys are more than welcome to come here and mess around with ours. They're huge Blackhawks fans. We put a few of them in jerseys during the playoffs and it's super cute" Shelly claims.

"I would love to see that" I admit.

We spend about a hour playing with the otters and I give Maggie a bottle which she eats from. I was kind of obsessed with her and I didn't want to leave. But eventually we had to go and get back to our dog who can't be left alone too long without him tearing everything up. So we thank Shelly for the great experience and head back to the apartment with a pizza and some wings.

"That was the most fun I've had in a while" Corey claims.

"Me too. I still want a otter" I admit and he laughs.

"That makes two of us."

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