29| Where To Go From Here

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A little after being sidelined for two weeks Corey was released to play again. They slowly worked him into practices then when he was ready he would get to play again. It was the last game of the season and they really wanted him for the playoffs that start at the beginning of April and this was his last chance to get his feet wet.

Being the good friend that I am I came to support him. Even though it scared the living shit out of me to watch him play knowing that he could get hurt, I know it means a lot to him that I'm here for him. So I pull on my Crawford jersey and grab the lanyard I have to wear while I'm there. I head to the United Center and buy myself some food before sitting down in my seat. Eventually Lindsey and Amanda come and join me as we wait for the game to start.

"I'm really happy Corey is back for the playoffs. Not that I don't think Darling did good with him gone... but man am I happy to have Corey back" she admits. She was very hockey smart and was explaining to me how Corey's presence made the team better.

"He's wanted to come back for a while. No matter what he wants to be on the ice with his team doing his best and winning games" I insist.

"Have you been spending a lot of time with him or something" she asks.

"For the first few days he had the concussion I stayed at his place to make sure he takes care of himself and that he doesn't slip into a coma. Then for the rest of the time I would just come over in the morning and help him out with whatever he needs" I explain.

"You guys are like a old married couple" she claims and I laugh.

"Considering the only time we bicker is about what to have for dinner I'm going to have to agree with you" I admit.

"Didn't you guys get in a big fight though" she asks.

"It wasn't really a fight, I left before it turned into anything ugly, but I think we needed some time apart anyway. We were spending way too much time together and I most defiantly needed a few days where I didn't see or hear from him to remind myself that my job is to help him" I admit.

"It must of been something bad to make you say that" she claims.

"He just scared me, he was scared himself. I wasn't mad at him, he just said something that made me realize I was in a dangerous position to lose someone that I care about again and he didn't seem to care at all" I explain.

"Again" she asks.

"Yeah... again" I say.

"Well I'm happy you guys worked it out. It's been fun having you around and I'm sad you guys aren't going to be working together anymore. I think you're really good for him" she insists.

"He's been pretty good for me too" I admit.

"Are you guys... you know" she asks as she wiggles her eyebrows up and down.

"That could literally mean anything" I giggle.

"You know... are you guys going to get together" she asks.

"Oh, well I don't know. We've never really talked about it. We've been good friends for so long it's kind of weird to think of us any different way. It's not that I don't think we wouldn't do good together, there's no one in this world I would rather give my love to than him. I just don't want our relationship to be a shoulda coulda woulda kind of thing. The "I should have told you this" or "if we were together then I would have done this" or "if we were dating I would have done this differently". I don't want us to have any regrets about our relationship" I admit.

"Will there be any regret bigger than not seeing where you two could go" she asks.

"Absolutely not" I smirk.

"That-a-girl" she smiles.

The game comes and goes and Corey and the Blackhawks ended up winning in over time. I wait for him down in the tunnels with my friends I've made here and talk around. Considering Corey and I was done with the life training in a few days I don't know if I would be hanging around here much after tonight. I guess it really depends on if I go to New York or not. And I keep trying to avoid those thoughts of leaving but this was big for me and time was running dangerously low. I know working with a athlete was supposed to be a one time thing but it's been such a fun ride and both Corey and I and we have benefited so much from what we were able to do here. And no two cases are alike so it would be great to travel and meet new people, pick new brains. But it's not as simple as me leaving here, and a lot of that has to do with the guy who's jersey I'm wearing.

"There she is" he says as he comes over to me. He wraps me into a huge hug and that makes me smile.

"Here I am" I tease.

"Thanks for staying. It really means a lot to me" he insists.

"I wouldn't want to be anywhere else" I smile.

"How about we go for a ride" he says.

"I would like that a lot" I admit.

He suddenly grabs my hand and I flinch at first. I was pretty affectionate but we've never held hands before. But the smile comes up as he squeezes me tight making my heart start to race. He pulls me into his side and out the door as we jump into his car. We head to lake shore drive and cruise as we look over the city. We find a nice place to stop and pull off to the side. Corey pulls me onto the hood of his car and we look out over the city. We both knew what was coming next and neither of us really knew what to say. If our paths lead us in different directions there's so much we needed to say. But if we end up together then what is there to say?

"I used to think that this was the prettiest sight in the whole world" he claims as we sit there looking at the lights light up the sky.

"What is now" I ask.

"You" he says and I start to blush.

"I hate you" I insist.

"No you don't" he teases.

"No I don't" I agree. "Quite the opposite really."

"Yeah" he asks.

"Yeah" I smile.

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