56| Dream Catcher

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The guys had their first long trip away from the United Center this season and I was stuck with a hyperactive dog and not a lot to do. I worked with other people other than Jonathan but he was my main client. So when he was gone for a little I got pretty bored.

So to pass the time Lindsey and I decide to do dinner and a movie with a few of the other girls from the organization. We all meet up at the movie theatre and purchase our tickets for the new Ghostbusters movie. We go in and find our seats before talking amongst ourselves to pass the time.

"Is it hard to be working and be in a relationship with a hockey player" Linsey wonders and I shrug.

"I think it's kinda good for us. Too much of a good thing isn't a good thing and it's nice for us to have something to give us time to sit and reflect on our relationship. Appreciate what we have once it's gone because we wouldn't be as happy as we are if we were always together. You appreciate the relationship more when you're apart and it makes us being together that much more special" I explain.

"Do you ever worry that there's not enough kindred spirit there to support both of your dreams" she wonders.

"Never. He supports me and I support him no matter what, for better or for worse" I say.

"Oh" she sighs.

"What did you have in mind" I ask and she looks up at me.

"It's nothing" she claims.

"Our dreams aren't nothing. Our dreams are wonderful and motivational and hard to achieve. But they're always worth it" I insist.

"I do want to chase my dreams and it seems like there's not enough time for me to be able to do that and still be with Jonny. I don't want to lose him" she insists.

"What do you want to do" I ask and she shakes her head.

"Its nothing, it's silly" she claims.

"At least tell me" I beg.

"I wanted to do cosmetology, you know? Hair and nails and makeup" she explains.

"And what's so silly about that" I wonder.

"Because you don't really need a education to do it, anyone can do cosmetology. And plus I don't need to have a job with Jonathan working and always being gone, it'll just make problems" she claims.

"We don't have to do a lot of things we do, but we still do them. And nothing should stop you from doing what you love. Jonathan is understanding, I'm sure if he knew you felt like this he would be doing everything to make sure you become a cosmologist. To support you just as you support him. I know it's scary to think of stuff changing, it's hard, I get it. But you chasing your dreams isn't a burden or a inconvenience. It's a great chance to see who you really are and what you really like" I explain.

"I don't even know where to start. I started to enroll into cosmetology school when I was younger but just ended up taking the easy way out to make a quick buck. I'm not sure I can get back into the hair and makeup scene" she admits.

"You gotta take it one step at a time. You can't just expect to show up at the top of your mountain one day, you gotta climb" I insist.

"And what if I fall" she asks.

"What it you fly" I counter and she smiles.

"I wish I had your mindset. There isn't a thing in this world that you can't do if you put your mind to it. I would kill to be like that" she claims.

"Your fear of never getting what you want should be bigger than your fear of failing. And if you do fail, so what? So be it. You have so many people here ready to pick you up that you couldn't feel too down" I insist.

"I wish I was strong like you" she claims.

"I'm only strong when I need to be. And you need to be strong right now and go after your dream. They're your dreams, it doesn't matter what other people say. Just because you're with Jonathan doesn't mean that you're not allowed to branch out. You're an amazing girl and I believe that you can do anything you want to" I say.

"God... where have you been the past four years of my life" she laughs and I shrug.

"Around" I tease as she just smiles.

"Well I hope you're staying" she insists.

"As long as Corey's here, I am too" I promise.

We sit through the movie and we laugh our asses off. It was a lot better than I expected and I already thought it would be good. After we get through that we go to a little bar and get some food and watch the hockey game up on the TVs.

"How do you think they'll do this year" I wonder.

"I think they should be good. They always have a good team but they're not getting any younger. Their window is going to be closing soon" she claims.

"How long do they usually play for" I question.

"Until they can no more. Some play for decades, some only last a few years before they get chased off overseas or hurt so bad they can't get back on the ice" she explains and I swallow hard.

"Does that happen often" I whisper.

"Not too often. But it can" she explains.

"I'm afraid that's going to happen to Corey. That his concussions are going to scramble his brains so bad and he won't even realize it because it's too late" I admit.

"Like you were telling me earlier, this is his dream. And it's scary sometimes, you never know what's going to happen. But these guys put everything on the line for their team, for their dreams. I've seen Jon go through some shit, and he says he'll go through it all again to win the cup" she explains.

"Wow, that's intense" I admit.

"It is. But to them it's not much of a choice. This is their life and we're all just living in it."

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