53| Always Come Back

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After much anticipation it was opening night here in Chicago. After having a up and down year last year there was a lot of expectations going into this season. We had a lot of good players and the city still believed in us. Of course the Cubs were in the middle of their playoff run but we were still considered this city's favorite team.

So I pull on my suit I got for tonight and add the shoes. I make sure my hair looked nice and I didn't have food on my face since I know they'll be taking a lot of pictures. I take a look at myself in the mirror and smile big. I couldn't wait to play here tonight for the best fans in the world with my guys.

I see Jessica appear in the mirror behind me and I smile to myself. She had on a long black romper that showed off her body but still covered mostly everything. It had a little belt squeezing her tiny waist and the pants went all the way down to the floor. Her long brown hair pulled back and she had a little bit of makeup on. She can do no wrong, but I loved when she got all dressed up. Especially when she did it for me.

"Look at my handsome man" she announces as she grabs my arm with her little hand. She pulls herself into me as we look at our reflection in the mirror.

"How did I ever get so lucky to have you by my side" I ask her as a little smirk comes up on her face. She tries to hide behind my arm but I know she's blushing.

"Some guys just have all the luck" she teases.

"That was never me. I was that guy who people were thankful they weren't like. Anyone who remotely knew me didn't want to be me. Hell, I didn't want to be me.

But me with you... well that's the person I've always wanted to become. He's the guy that guys get jealous of because his life is so full and so meaningful. He doesn't understand why he's happy and he's not really questioning it either. He just is" I explain.

"That's the man I always saw you as. Because if I were to look at you and who you really are I don't see the drugs or the alcohol abuse or even the Stanley Cups. I see the man who loves his family and loves to look at magazines about cars. I see a man who wanted to love but didn't know how, plus he was looking in all the wrong places. But these feelings he was capable of, they were deep and powerful. He didn't know how to handle them at first and he mishandled them a few times, but he's learned.

And now look at him" she smiles at she looks at me through the mirror. I happily smile back before turning and pulling her into a kiss. I feel her grip on my arm tighten as she pulls me down. She had yet to get her heels on but she always waited until the last second to put her shoes on so she can show off her tattoo on her ankle.

As we break apart I hold her face in my free hand as I softly cup her cheek. Her skin was always so soft I was a little confused as to how, but I want going to complain. I see this sparkle in her eyes as she looks me over just trying to remember life's little moments.

"Alright, now how am I supposed to leave you" I ask and she giggles.

"You don't" she teases.

"I wish, but I got to go. I don't want to but I have to. I promise I'll be back" I say and she freezes. I couldn't read her facial expressions, like whether I did something wrong or did something right. She just stares at me as I wait for her to explain herself.

"You remind me so much of my father" she whispers and I get chills. That was new.

"What makes you say that" I wonder.

"Because every time he left me to go fight, he told me he wished he could stay with me. He didn't want to leave me and Carter but he had to for there was things he had to take care of. But he always promised me to come back, and he always did" she insists.

"Did you miss him when he was fighting" I wonder.

"I did. And it's crazy because when he died it felt like he left for another tour. I always kind of expected him to come back. Like he would walk through the front doors and come straight over to me. He would pick me up and toss me in the air, he would always catch me. Then we would share a cookie and stay up late talking. We would talk about anything, I didn't care. I just wanted my dad back and he was finally there" she explains.

"Do you hate it when I leave" I wonder.

"Of course I do. Just being around you makes me feel complete and being without you makes me feel empty. But I know how to be strong when you're gone, I used to do it all the time. At least I know you're going to come back" she claims.

"I'll always come back to you. No matter how far I go and no matter for how long, I'll always find my way back to you" I say and she smiles.

"Careful Crawford, those are some heavy words you're speaking there. You sure you want to carry them" she questions.

"For you I'll carry them anywhere. Up a mountain, across the bottom of the ocean, around the longest river" I insist.

"And you say I'm the one with the pretty words" she teases.

"You are. I had to get them from somewhere" I assure her.

"Well I'm glad I could inspire you to speak in a way that is best understood by the heart and soul. Because you sure do say some pretty incredible things" she admits.

"I'm just trying to keep up with you" I joke.

"You're doing alright Corey, you're doing alright."

Love On the Brain (Corey Crawford)Where stories live. Discover now