33| Our Place

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In the middle of the whole trying to get Jessica to stay here in Chicago with me the Blackhawks were in the first round of the playoffs against the St. Louis Blues. And much to our dismay we were out after a gritty game seven loss. Personally the season was great, we had some good times but it just wasn't enough. Luckily for us we still have a good team and next season should be even better, it's hard to bet against this team given that we always find a way to win.

As for my plans until next September, those are a little up in the air. Jess didn't want to start up life coaching with Jonny until October like she did with me but she couldn't really leave for a few months either because she still life coached other people around the city. I didn't want to go anywhere without her so I've kinda just been chilling at her place while she works and I hang out with Jonny while he's here before he goes home for a little.

As for today I was just going to hang out with Jess in her apartment since she had the day off. There wasn't anything better to do at my place and I didn't want to go home considering I just got together with her so we were going to spend the day messing around making the most out of the little things.

"Open your mouth" Jess says as we lay on her couch.

"Why" I ask.

"I want to see if I can throw a gummy bear in your mouth" she claims.

"Oh. Okay" I reply as I sit up. She happily pours some gummy bears into her hand as she sets herself up to toss some my way.

She tosses a gummy bear up in the air and I easily catch it in my mouth as she raises her arms above her head in victory. She claps her hands together as I playfully bow down making her giggle.

"Oh yeah" she cheers and I smile. She got so excited over little things like that and it was one of the many many reasons I love her.

"So what are the plans for today" I wonder as I sit upright.

"I don't know. There's so much to do in this city, where do you even start" she asks.

"A walk in the park doesn't sound too bad" I admit.

"A walk sounds wonderful" she smiles.

We head out into the the city this warm late April day. There was a lot of blue and black walking around since the baseball season has started up recently and without any of the other sports going right now Chicago was rampant with baseball fever. I myself enjoyed baseball and was originally a Toronto fan. But after taking the cup to the Cubs game in 2015 I would give the Cubs a close second. Plus they have a pretty sweet logo.

"When you're done with hockey, what are your plans" Jess wonders as she pulls me close. Her fingers stay intertwined with mine as I keep her near me.

"Like immediately after I'm done playing or are you asking what do I have planned outside of hockey" I wonder.

"Like are you going to stay in Chicago, are you going to Montreal, are you traveling or going to stay around the organization? Do you want to live in a apartment all your life or do you want a house and family by the time you call it quits? Do you even have plans for life after hockey" she questions and I laugh.

"Not really" I shrug. "No matter what happens I know that everything will turn out like it's supposed to. I'm not worried about what happens when this is all over, life is happening to me and Hockey is my life. Of course I want a family and to settle down at some point, but I don't have a time table on that. As long as you're there I don't care where or when theses things happen, just that they happen with you" I admit.

"You're so sweet" she says as she starts to blush.

"I just love you... a lot" I trail off.

"I love you too" she smiles.

We find a bench to sit on and watch people walk around like we used to when she was my life coach. But this time we were a lot closer in proximity and I kept her hand in mine because I loved how well they fit together.

"Have you ever wanted a dog" she wonders.

"Only always" I admit.

"We should get a dog" she claims and I turn to her.

"We" I ask.

"Yeah. A cute one that likes to be snuggled and go on these walks with us and I can cuddle with when you're gone" she claims.

"Would we keep it at your place or my place" I wonder.

"Our place" she says and I smile big.

"I like the sound of this... keep going" I say.

"Well you've spent a lot of time over at my place, you've stayed over a few times especially since hockey is done. I don't see why you don't just move in. Then you can always hang out with Jonny when you're bored or we can just stay in and watch Netflix without having to have you come over" she suggests.

"I would love to, as long as you don't mind" I insist.

"It's funny you say that because for the longest time being by myself was enough. The solidarity of it just being me was quiet but then I could hear my thoughts. I made my life so I never needed anything that I couldn't provide myself. This way I know I was being genuine because I was always going to be 100% me, no one else.

Then you came along and you changed the way I thought. Being alone was okay, but being alone with you made me feel like never before. I loved who I was when I was around you, I've never felt more alive.

So yeah, I don't mind" she claims.

"Wow... I was able to change the way you think. I feel like super man" I tease.

"Watch it mister, it is pretty easy to get me to change my mind and I'll change it again" she jokes.

"No one should be that powerful" I tease.

"We all can be if we chose to be" she claims.

"Well not everyone gets to have you, so I'm being selfish and keeping you and your brain all to myself" I say.

"I'm okay with that" she admits.

"So what are your plans for Friday night" I wonder.

"Whatever you got planned" she claims.

"Well, I was thinking that we can go on our first date" I claim and she smiles.

"Don't you think it's a little late to be calling it a first date" she wonders.

"Yes. But I still want to be a good boyfriend and I want to take you on a date" I claim.

"Good answer" she smirks.

"So is that a yes that you'll come on a date" I wonder.

"Yeah, I can't wait."

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