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"What no I'm not helping you!" Nick pushed us away and he turned his back on us, facing his locker again.
"Please Nick, it's about Kendall."

When he heard that he turned back around and crossed his arms, looking interested.
"I'm listening."

"Kendall's being a stalker again and we want her to stop."
Nick furrowed his eyebrows "And what do I get if I help you?"

I rolled my eyes and I didn't respond back.
"Ethan." Grayson nudged me to speak.

"Okay fine, I'll pay you."
"How much-"

"Just get her to stop and then we can figure out a price!" I snapped at him.
Nick put his hands up for surrender "Alright Fine, I'll just keep her busy."

And just like that, Nick walked over to Kendall and he put her arm around her, facing her in the other direction so that he was the one looking at us instead.

Grayson looked back at me "See problem solved, now Kendall won't be obsessing over you anymore."
I still wasn't convinced "hmmmm."

"Oh come on Eth-"
"YOU FUCKING ASSHOLE!" Kendall screamed at Nick and she kicked him in the leg.

Kendall stormed off and Nick limped to us.
"What happened?" Grayson asked.
Nick said in pain "Yeah she's not gonna leave you guys alone."

I scoffed "Well I could've told you that."
Nick gritted his teeth "Jeez thanks Ethan, next time it would be appreciated if you gave me a heads up."

He was about to walk off but he stopped again "I'm still getting paid."
I chuckled "No fucking chance, Kendall already gave you the reward by kicking you in the leg."

Nick raised his hand "You fucking-"
"Thanks for helping us Nick." Grayson stopped him and gave him a smile.

Nick nodded at him and he limped out of the hallway.
What a joke.

"Ethan you need to stop being this way, he was only trying to help us and you-"
"Forget it Gray I don't need your help anymore so let's just go to class." I put my hand out and stopped him from finishing his sentence.

Both of us walked to Maths class.



"Okay so if you're adding 23 and it equals 28 then what does x equals?" The maths teacher wrote down on the board.
Someone raised their hand "five."

"Correct so I will give you all the homework and I want you to complete the challenging side of the worksheet if you understand. Any questions?"
No one responded.

The bell rang.

"Okay remember to complete the homework!" The teacher yelled as everyone hurried out of the classroom.

Allison and I walked out of the room and we walked into the hallway.
"What a shit lesson!" She grunted.
"Yeah I know-oh shit I forgot my bag." I turned back around.

"Shall I come too?"
"No it's okay, I'll just quickly go and get it." I jogged back to the classroom and I saw that the lights were off.

When I reached the classroom, the lights switched on. I looked at the switch and saw Kendall standing there with her two friends.

My palms began to get sweaty and I was kind of nervous.
"Erm I just came to get my bag." I pointed to my bag under the table.

Kendall grinned at me and she nodded whilst looking at her friends.

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