No Mercy, No Remorse

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Tristan POV

We all in the waiting room, waiting for the doctor's feedback on Zye's condition. Tears are falling, hearts are beating, legs are shaking & all. We all just dont know what to do. I hope cuz alright, i cant deal w. losin someone else close to me.

"Family of Zyier Carter?" the Dr came in & said. We all stood up, 50 deep, making the Dr hesitate for a minute.

"Uh, the bullets, six of them,  hit alot of main body parts. He is alive but the surgery to at least try to remove the bullets is too risky. Im afraid his is gonna be placed on life support. Im terribly sorry." he then walked out.

Cries were louder, breathing got heavier, & tensions flared. Man, life support? This is fucked up. I was seeing red right now. I dried my tears & stood up. Brooklynn was lookin for Zye. I was pacing back & forth thinkin on who coulda plotted this. But then again, the only person that who really had a problem w. him was Tyti because they broke it off & he aint want nun to do w. her ass no more. Im finna go see why tf she aint here. Then Neya showed me tweets that Tyti tweeted a couple mins ago that read:

2m: "Ha, mfs got theres!"

4m: "He got what he deserved."

10m: "Fuck Him."

11m: "Sorry, not sorry!"

Ight, i know exactly who set him up. Dumbass, who would put that on social network, especially if the family gone see it. Ok, this bitch finna feel my wrath & i aint stoppin till i feel relieved.

"C'mon yall." i say signaling the guys.

"We'll be back yall." Cj said.

"Be Safe." Neya & Tay said.

We leave & hop in my truck. We went & got strapped & was on our way to Tyti's house.

It was a few cars outside but ion care. Fuck her & who ever else is there. I open the door straight up.

-_- This bitch never lock her doors. We walk in & here laughing & talkin & shit about Zye. They didnt even hear us come in.

"Hold on yall." she said heading towards the kitchen. We can see her but she cant see us. She was doing something in the fridge & that was my cue. I signaled the boys to stay right here. I told them that when i went out that they can handle them niqqas in the livingroom. I walk up slowly behind her, she lifted up, & closed the fridge. Before she turned around, i put my hand over her mouth & other around her neck.

"Shhh- dont scream or i'll blow your fuckin brains on this kitchen floor." i said in her ear. I drag her outside to the patio. "Talk." i say putting my gun to her jaw.

"Idk what you talkin about." she said cryin.

"Dont gimme that shit. Now talk & quit fuckin cryin."

I started countin down cause she wouldnt talk. "1......2......" my finger was itchin to pull the trigger cause i was runnin outta patience w. her ass. "Okay! I had my brother & his dudes shoot him up but i aint want them to kill him, I-......." i cut her off.

"Why? Wtf he do to you?" i ask.

"After i left, i tried to get back w. him but he rejected me & told me some hurtful shit."

"So that mean you had to do wtf you did? Bitch you stupid. I should end yo dumbass, but I-......." i was cut off by a gunshot & a stinging bullet to my side. I fell to the patio floor. "Fuck!" i yelled. I look over to see Trey. (A/N: You know Trey, Trinity's Ex boyfriend. Oooohh Twister!) "You ight bae?" he asked Tyti & kissed her. She went inside, aint no tellin whats gone happen to her in there. Bae? Wtf!?

"You know, i liked yo sister. But i aint love her ass. She wasnt givin up the pussy so i had to get from somebody else. I hope yo sister gone miss you, say goodbye.....POW!" i closed my eyes, not feeling a bullet. I open to see Trey on the ground w. a bullet to the chest, blood gushing out the mouth. X was standing over him w. a gun, & ended him w. a couple more shots.

"You ight?" he asked helpin me up.

"Yea im good, did yall handle all them in there?"

"Yea we got em, even Tyti. C'mon man, we gotta get you to a hospital."

"Naw man, im good, im ight."


I get home & get Neya to get the first aid & patch me up. Ion got time for the hospital, i'll be ight. Ima gee.

Neya POV

I just got home from the hospital. I cant believe that Tyti bitch set him up. If the boys didng get her, me & Tay woulda lit her shit up!

I just patched my baby up after removing the bullet w. some tweezers. It wasnt that deep so yea. I cleaned the wound, & patched him up. He got up & start dancing.

"I just caught a body bought a week ago, week ago

Fuck w. us & then we tweakin hoe, tweakin hoe." he started doin the shmoney dance. (A/N: If you dont know what it is, look it up!)

"You needta stop tweakin & sit down for you hurt yourself." i say.

"Im a gee baby, cant nothin hurt me." he said continuing to dance.

"Comin from the person who was just about to cry when i pulled the bullet out." i say laughin & washing my hands.

"I was playin girl."

"Sure you were." i say laughin.

Me & T cuddled & watched movies for the rest of the night. Im glad my baby is ok. & I pray that Zye is gonna make it. Especially for Brooklynn.

Trinity POV

X told me he ended Trey. Of course it shocked me because yea, we did go out, but idgaf because he shot my brother. They all explained everything from Trey shooting my brother, to taking all of them out, & the most shocking part, TREY & TYTI being baes? That shit is crazy.

I've had Brooklynn ever since this morning. Im keeping her until Zye gets better, if he makes it. Hopefully he does. I went to Zye's house before coming home, to get Brooklynn's things that she needed.

I had just put her to sleep & soon, i dozed off. Everyone in the house was sleep until i heard Brooklynn cry. I woke up & picked her up.

"Daddy, my Daddy." she cried. I try rock her back to sleep.

"Daddy gone." she said again. "Its okay baby, Daddy be back." i say rubbing her back. Soon after a little more crying, she fell asleep & i did too.


How dope am i?

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Updates Comin real soon. With more twisters & surprises! Get ready. SORRY FOR ANY MISTAKES. I was excited & typed fast.

            -Tyga's Bae ♥

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