Slipped Up

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Tristan P.O.V

Fresh out the shower & getting ready to spend the day w. my baby. We were just about to walk out the door until...

"Tristan Carter, you have the right to remain silent. Anything you say will be held against you in the court of law. You are under arrest for the murder of Tytiana Echols & her relatives." the cops said handcuffing me. Neya tried to grab me but one of the cops gently pushed her back. She was cryin tryna get to me. "Its okay baby, i'ma come back for you, i promise." i assure her. They took me in for questioning.

Slim P.O.V

Who tf is that @ the door bro?" i ask Cj.

"Ion Know lemme see."

"I'll be back." Tay got up to go put my daughter to sleep.

As Cj opened the door, cops busted in handcuffing us. "Chance & Caleb Carson, you two are under arrest for the murder of Tytiana Echols & people involved w. her.".

Tay crazy ass came runnin downstairs tryna fight the cops. "I kissed her goodbye & told her i love her. Cause i know for a fact that if they find us guilty i aint gone see them till my baby like 20 somethin. So i gotta play this shit smart. We all do. They got us so i know for a fact they got Tristan & X.

Trinity P.O.V

Me & X are leaving Applebee's until we hear cop sirens coming towards us. "Xavier Hilton, you are under arrest for the linked murder of Tytiana Echols & others involved." they took him in cuffs & put him in the back of the car. @ this point, i dont know what to do but cry. But cryin aint gone solve nothin. I gotta call up the girls. I call Tay, & we all are gathering @ her & Slim's house, because evidentally all the boys got caught.

Tristan P.O.V

"Aha, so we meet again huh? Tristan Carter." the detective said. (A/N; Remember when he killed Tykee for raping Trinity?)

"Seems that way doesnt it?" i say w. an attitude. I hate his ass.

"Since you wanna be a smart ass, tell me where you were last night, lets just say, @ about 10:25 - 10:30?"

"@ the hospital. All of us were."

"Why were you @ the hospital that late?"

"A family emergency."

"What kinda emergency, care to share?"

"None ya damn business. Family emergency. My whole family was there."

"Ok, what are your relations w. Tytiana Echols? How do you know her?"

"She dated on of the homies, been knowin her from around the way, thats it."

"Oh ok, when was the last time you seen her? Would it be last night?"

"Ion fuckin know ight, bout a couple months ago. Why you think i seen her ass lastnight?"

"Because, she was killed lastnight, with a couple of other people."

"Naw, i aint know she got killed. I hope you aint blamin me for that shit. I aint have nothin against her ass. Look, i was @ the hospital last night thats it."

"Ok, i'll take your word for it. But until proven innocent, i hope you like your cellmate. Come w. me." he said grabbing my arm. Man i hope the guys dont fuck up & slip or thats gone be our asses. They should be smart enough. & Luckily i barely bled out from getting shot in my side. It just soaked thru my clothes. Hopefully it didnt get on anything.

Slim P.O.V

"So uh, Chance Carson. Tell me where you were last night."


"Why the hospital?"

"Family purposes."

"Ok, how do you know Tytiana Echols?"


"So yall were classmates?"


"Something buggin you? Seems like you dont wanna talk."

"Look here mf, i aint have shit to do w. that murder shit. I aint even know the bitch was dead. If you want us to be guilty, we'll be guilty. We all black niqqas in a questioning room. Of course yall gone think we guilty. But you gotta prove it. & Yall mfs aint got no typa proof. Can i go?" i snap. Im gettin irritated but i gotta watch what i say. For the sake of my girl & my daughter.


"Ok, lets see if you'll crack Mr. uhhh Caleb Carson."

"Mhmm." i said.

"Where were you last night?"

"We all were together, if yall dumb mfs aint get that by now. @ the hospital."

"How do you know Tytiana Echols?"

"School, & shit just around the way."

"Did you have anything to do w. the murder of Tytiana Echols & her associates?"

"No. If i was @ the hospital last night, how could i murder somebody? Let alone multiple people?"

"Idk, you tell me?"

"Aint nun to tell, naw uncuff me bitch."

"Ahh, not so fast. You're guilty until proven innocent."

He said grabbing me,guiding me to my cell.


"Mr. absolutely aware that you all were together last night, @ the hospital. Can you tell me how you know Tytiana Echols please?"

"I've seen her around. When you black, you know the whole hood."

"What were you relations w. her?"

"None, i just told you i knew her just from around town."

"I see. So would you have anything to do w. the murder of her & her associates?"

"Nope, cause i aint know shit about a murder. I wasnt worried about anything last night but the reason i was @ the hospital."

"Do you know a Trey Maximus?"

"Nope. Not @ all." I lied. Fuck that bitch.

"Ok. No further questions. Excuse me for a minute." he said exiting the room. He better quit bullshittin. I know he aint got shit on none of us so we good. They makin us stay for a while until they do further investigation but we'll be out in no time. & if we dont, well shit. Ion know.

Detective Wilson P.O.V

These boys aint crackin. Half of me is sure that they were involved, but the other half doesnt think they were. They all have the same story. I talk to Detective Anthony:

"Det. Anthony, they're not crackin. I dont think they did it. We have no proof & whoever did committ the murder left no evidence behind. We can only hold these boys for a limited amount of time, because there is absolutely proof on them."

"Ok. We're gonna keep them for couple weeks until we're done w. the investigation. Keep this case until we determine if they are guilty or not."

"Ok, sure thing."

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