Chapter 10~ Part Daring, Part Beautiful

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Liam opened the back door and slipped outside, pulling me behind him. He closed the door and he started acting like a ninja. I started giggling and he quickly pressed my back up against the brick wall pressing a finger to his lips, signalling for me to be quiet. I smiled, trying to hold in my giggles. I looked around and suddenly I felt my stomach turn. We were in the alley behind the plaza. I swallowed hard and noticed my hands were shaking. Liam stepped back and I unconsciously started tapping my index finger against my thigh. I turned and looked to the spot where I had collapsed that night. I took a deep breath pressing my tongue to the roof of my mouth. 

I felt Liam's arms wrap around my waist and he pulled me into chest. I gripped his shirt and he tightened his arms around my back, slowly making circles with his palm. Liam laughed and I looked up, confused at why he would be laughing. He looked down at me and kissed my forehead.

"Think of it as the place where fate put you so I could find you and love you with all my heart." He said, trying to make me smile. He succeeded. I cracked one and he kissed my nose. He unraveled his arms and his hand found its way to mine. He looked around and we could hear extremely loud screaming. Probably coming from the mob of fangirls in the front on the plaza. 

Suddenly there was a crack of thunder and rain was pouring down on us. I opened my mouth in shock as the rain drenched me. I started laughing hysterically and I looked up at the dark gray clouds. I spun around in a circle letting the rain cover me. I looked at Liam who was squinting and messing with his hair. 

"Why are you laughing?" He asked, starting to laugh himself. I ran past him as he started to laugh. 

"Because!" I called out over the sound of crackling thunder and pouring rain. 

"Because why?" He said running up behind me.

"Because. This is beautiful!" 


"Its like we are in a movie!" I giggled, looking around.

"A movie huh?" He smiled looking into my eyes and i was captivated by his. I nodded swiftly, biting my lip. He cupped both sides of my face pulling my body in and pressing a fierce, hungry, yet extremely romantic kiss to my lips. He deepened the kiss and I felt his arms pull my body into his. I felt the rain fall on our faces as our lips moved in sync. When he pulled me back. I stood there giggling as he cracked a smile. He rested my forehead against his.

"Was that movie enough for you?" He whispered and I giggled uncontrollably turning around and walking off in the distance. "Wait!" He yelled and I turned around as he ran up. "You forgot the part when I carry you off into the sunset!" I looked at him confused and before I knew it he hoisted me up and threw me over his shoulder. I couldn't stop laughing!

"Put me down!" He listened. He raised an eyebrow at me and leaned in like he was going to kiss me, brushing his lips against mine before pulling back teasingly. "LIAM JAMES PAYNE!" I yelled and he immediately cupped a hand over my mouth looking around. All the sudden from the far corner of the alley came a crowd of girls. They were all charging at us.

"RUN!" Liam yelled grabbing my hand and we were off. We ran full speed. He led the way as we went through alleyway after alleyway. We turned one corner and there was a black limo with tinted windows. We were at a warehouse of limousine! Liam immediately tried to open one and the door was unlocked. He helped me in and rushed in himself just before the girls rushed past us. The rain was pouring hard on the limo and it sounded like we were in a hurricane! Liam locked the doors and we watched as the screaming fans went on forever. "That was close!" He laughed and I smiled. There were so many! I almost felt bad. Liam laid back in the seat putting his feet up and I laid on him. We sat there for a few minuets and then I found myself yawning. I shivered and Liam pulled me into him, trying to warm me.

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