Chapter 8~ New Loves

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I blinked repeatedly. The sunlight hurt my eyes. Where was I? I sat up and looked around. I was in my bed? What happened last night? Last thing I remember I saw... Harry? 

I pushed myself out of bed and I looked down. I was wearing pajamas. I slowly made my way down the stairs. My head was pounding and when I reached the landing I felt extremely dizzy. I lost my balance and then before I knew it I was falling. Strong arms caught me and I gripped my head. It was killing me. When I regained my eyesight, I was greeted by Harry's big green eyes. He looked down on me, worried. He helped me sit in a chair and I squeezed my eyes shut. 

"What's going on?" I whispered and Harry sat beside me in another chair. 

"Look at me." He commanded and I listened. Just then Lily came in the room followed by Niall. What happened? Why were they here? Was Liam here? "Lily get her water." 

"Wait what is going on?" I blurted out. "What are you and Niall doing here? You weren't supposed to be here for a few more days? Where is Liam?" I looked around waiting for answers and they all just looked at each other. "HELLO?!" I yelled out of frustration and I saw Niall disappear up the stairs. 

"You got drugged last night!" Harry yelled. I saw him tense. "Niall and I were at the club last night and I watched you drink something and then you got really weird. Lily and Tyler were really worried! We stayed the night to make sure you were going to be alright. We didn't call Liam... yet. We knew he would get mad. He would freak out and he has been planning this surprise for you for a long time and we didn't want to ruin it." I tried to follow everything he was saying but my head hurt and I just became more confused. 

"I got drugged... I am so stupid and irresponsible and..." I shook my head and Harry put a hand on my knee. 

"It was not your fault. Some ass just slipped it in while you were looking the other way." I looked down at my hands and I felt a hand slip under my chin pulling it up so I was looking into is eyes. I felt mine go soft, the corners turning down and he studied my expression. "Are you alright?" He asked genuinely and I nodded. I finished the water and I could feel Harry and Lily watching me. Lil hadn't said anything yet but by the way she looked, I knew she felt bad. I could feel myself recovering already and I looked up at the clock. It was noon. I ran a hand through my messy hair and stood. They both mirrored me. 

"Guys!" I smiled. "Its fine! I feel better you don't have to freak out every time I move. I'm fine!" 

"Oh we aren't worried about your health." Harry said keeping a straight face. "We are worried about ours if Liam finds out about this." We all burst out laughing and then I turned to walk up the stairs and I could hear them following me. They weren't kidding. I didn't want to tell Liam. I wondered what the surprise was that was having him keeping from the fact that he was home. Lily went into her room and Harry followed me into my room where Niall was sitting, looking through his phone. I turned to Harry. 

"Thank you." I said pulling him in for a hug and soon I was surrounded by strong arms. He smiled at me and I turned to Niall. He was looking up at me. 

"How are you feeling? I was so worried about you last night!" Niall pulled me into a hug.

"I'm fine, thank you Niall." I said and he pulled back studying me before nodding. 

"I'm gunna go grab something to eat." Niall said and I laughed. People weren't kidding, he really was into food. I turned to look at the bathroom that was connected to the room. The shower was on.

"Who's in the shower?" I asked and Harry laughed.

"Tyler. He was so waisted last night. He is probably so hungover he is going to pass out again." I laughed. That sounded like Tyler. I instructed Harry to turn around and I stripped down putting on some sweat pants and a tank top. Then I told him it was alright to look just as my door burst open and Niall walked in followed by Lily and... Hailey? 

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