Chapter 26~ One Big Promise

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I felt a vibration against my back and i sat up quick. I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes and opened them at a squint, rummaging around in attempt to find my phone. 

"Hello?" I said, my exhaustion evident. 

"TASH MEET IN LOBBY IN AN HOUR K!" Someone yelled. Sounded like Harry.

"Ok? Wait wh-" I was cut off by the line ending. I yawned at opened my eyes all the way. Liam was directly to my right, his bare-perfectly sculpted chest out in the open. Our legs were tangled from the side and from the looks of it i slept on his chest. He was breathing heavy and most definitely in a deep sleep. We were in nothing but our underwear with nothing but each other's body heat to keep up warm. I ran a hand through my messy curls. What happened last night? 

I laid back down for a minuet. "Ohhhhh yeaaaaah." i whispered as the memories hit me. 

~More Than A Few Hours Earlier~

After a crowded car ride to an unknown destination, Liam helped me out of the car and i took it all in. The carnival was almost completely empty. The sun had set and the only thing lighting the way was the bright colorful lights. I gasped at the view and i heard Li chuckle, pulling me in to kiss my head. Everyone else filed out of the van. 

"Where to first?" Harry smiled at Louis.

"The roller coaster!!!" Louis yelled and we all laughed following him to the biggest ride in the whole park. I felt my stomach flip. 

"What is it?" Liam whispered in ear.

"Don't make fun of me." I said looking up at him. "I've never been on a roller coaster." 

"OMG!" Louis yelled. I bit my lip and looked around for Lily. Tyler and her as well as Niall and Hailey had managed to wander off by themselves. Zayn seemed to be attached to Tyler and I was sure they were discussing American football which Zayn had recently gotten interested in. I knew it was hard for Ty however. His illness had prohibited him from playing for the school this year. He was strong though, and Lily was helping him through it.

"I'm scared." I looked up with a crooked smile. 

"Come on babe its not gunna be that bad!" Harry said with one eyebrow raised. "I mean whats the worst that could happen?"

"Well the restraint could fail or the car could break or the track could disconnect or-"

"LOUIS!" Harry and Liam yelled in unison. Louis just chuckled. Liam grabbed my hand and started pulling me toward it.

"No! I don't want to.." I started laughing at how scared I was.

"I wont allow it!" Harry yelled strolling over, picking me up and throwing me over his shoulder.

"HARRY! Liam help me!!!" I laughed and tried to speak. Liam just winked at me. "Nooo!!!" Harry waltzed over to the non-existent line and set me down. He grabbed my cheeks. 

"Liam will be there!" He said looking into my eyes and I took a deep breath. 

"Finnneeeeee." I moaned and Liam laughed kissing me quick before leading me to front car. "Hell naw." I said flatly before he didn't give me a choice. Somehow I ended up in the seat strapped down with Larry Stylinson in the car behind us. I gripped Liam's arm for dear life as the car started ticking up the ramp. tick. tick. tick. tick.

*    *     *     *

"LETS GO AGAIN!" I yelled after our fourth time walking out of the exit of the ride. Liam smiled. I looked over at Harry and Louis who were eyeing a spinny ride. They waved goodbye and we smiled. When Liam and I were alone he cupped my cheeks.

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