Chapter 13~ Both Broken

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~One Month Later~


Chicago Sun Times

Devine's Desired Death Sentence

A malicious abuse case on trial ends with a shocking twist of events. On Thursday, August 16th a child abuse trial took place at the Everette McKinley Derksen United States Courthouse. Hollis Devine, the defendant, was being accused of abusing his 17 year old daughter Natasha Devine, including an attempted murder. Natasha was found a month and a half before, by an anonymous person, bleeding out in an alley in the dead of night. She was running for her life. Natasha took the stand to testify while an emotionless Hollis sat in stone. She had to be escorted out of the courthouse shortly after for personal reasons. When the judge declared the defendant guilty, a series of events changed the coarse of Hollis' life. While being escorted out of the courthouse and to the holding cell, Hollis Devine lashed out and took control of one of the security guard's guns. After waving it around in the air, death threats flying, another security guard stepped in. Two bullets to the chest wrote Hollis' death sentence. Now we can only wish the best for an, even more than before, distraught Natasha Brielle Devine. 


I stared up at the ceiling, studying its not-so-interact structure when yet another annoyingly loud command came flying at me from the bathroom.

"NATASHA GET UP!" Lily yelled hastily.

"Alright, alright." I moaned back, slowly rolling myself out of bed. Today was going to be super fun filled. Not. I had school all day then the lawyer is coming to the house to discuss things with me that she said need to be dealt with in person. I didn't know what that meant but I trusted Mrs. Williams. She had helped me through all of this.

It had been just over two weeks since my dads 'tragic' death in the courthouse. At first, his death hit me hard. I lost yet another parent. Now I was technically an orphan. Orphan. The word still sounded foreign to me. I did cry when I found out although to this day I am not sure why. Relief? Mourning? But soon, all feelings were lost. I had become numb, for more reasons than one. It seemed easier that way. To ignoor any and all feelings. 

Two weeks before my father's death is when the slow but steady spiral downword that is my life started to play out. Liam left. Just like that. Without warning. Without explination. Without hope. I still didn't understand why though. How could he have said 'I love you' just a day before and then leave. Did he mean it? Did he not want me to come with him to London? Did he just not love me anymore? Those questions still haunt me. Unanswered. Literally. Everytime I called, his phone went straight to voicemail. I had no other way to contact him. 

At first, Lily thought it had something to do with Management, since the meeting was the last thing he went to before he left, leaving me behind. She thinks they might have told him to stay away from me. They wanted a single man. That frame of mind was shortly after shot out of the sky. We discovered about a week after Liam's departure that Hailey had left with Niall. That devistated me even more. 

I never thought I would be the type of person to let someone else control my decisions, emotions, and ultimatly my life. But I did. That was my mistake. The one slip up that will now leave me with a scar for the rest of my life. Liam. He was my breaking point. I let him in, and he broke me. Now I am left to mend the peices and move on. After his departure, my life was demolished. I had lost purpose again. I'd like to say I told him off and moved on in the blink of an eye but that would be a complete deception. I have only ever cried once, that was more than I did over Liam, and that would be my mother's death. Loosing him, I felt abandoned, lifeless and I found no value in myself. I was torn apart. 

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