Chapter 5~ Just Smile and Enjoy The Life You're Living

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I took a deep breath and was trying to stop my hands from shaking. I don't know why I was that nervous. It's not like I'd never been on a date before. I admired Lily's work in the mirror. My naturally curly brown hair was pinned half back, my eyes were lined, my cheeks had a light coral tint and the beautiful dress flowed to just above my knee. I slipped on my white TOMS and Lily must have noticed I was nervous because she came up behind me admiring her work as well.

"Just breathe Natasha! You look gorgeous, if i may say so myself, and you have absolutely nothing to be nervous about! Liam loves you for you! Just smile and enjoy the life you are living." I turned around to face her shining eyes. "Make it great! And enjoy Liam. He's a catch! But hell so are you!" I giggled and took another breath attempting to take her advice. I slipped my new phone in my small clutch and the doorbell rang as if on cue. I looked at Lily, grabbing her arm as she turned to get the door. "Yes?" She asked confused and I looked down at my feet releasing her.

"I know you and Liam are getting close and you tell him a lot. A lot about me as well. Just promise me one thing..." I said hesitant to even bring up the subject myself, even in these circumstances.

"Anything." She said looking worried.

"Don't tell him about Derek." I said trying to keep my voice steady. Her face went to shock before she nodded and then she walked up to me.

"I won't. You can do that when you feel comfortable. But Natasha, know this." She said looking entirely serious. "Liam is not Derek." I nodded closing my eyes, trying not to release the oncoming tears. I opened them and smiled. I was going to have a good time for a change.

Lily opened the door and Liam came around the corner his eyes immediately meeting mine. His brown eyes dug into mine sending chills down my spine and I looked at my shoes feeling a blush creep on to my face.

"You" He breathed and I looked up at him feeling my eyes smiling along with my mouth.

"Thank you. You too!" I said shyly and he held the door open for me leading me outside.

"The carriage awaits!" He said jokingly after he shut the door and I giggled.

"I love that sound!" Liam said with a wide smile as he walked toward his mustang which he brought with him today.

"What sound?" I said confused as he opened the door for me and I sat inside. He closed it and walked around to his side. Never has a guy opened the car door for me. I found myself giggling again at the one direction disk on the dashboard.

"That sound." Liam said with a smile referring to my giggle. I blushed and he started the car. I picked up the CD and looked at him.

"Wow that’s really strange!" I said sarcastically. "You look just like this guy in this huge international band called one direction!"

"Oh really? Which one?" He said with a big smile, playing along.

"You know the cute one, who has the voice that gives you chills and has the really nice teddy bear eyes. Rumor has it he's my favorite." I looked over at him and he looked at me chuckling! "It's funny though! I always forget he's even famous. To me he's just a regular guy who just happened to steal my heart." I looked down at my hands after that comment feeling like I just played up my confidence when I wasn't able to live up to it.

Liam chuckled at my shyness. We were at a stoplight and he grabbed my left hand with his right. "He told me you take his breath away, that you are unlike any other girl he's ever met and that laugh! Don't even get me-I mean him- started on that!" Liam said with a huge smile. Then I looked forward with a blush on my face as he popped in the disk. He switched it to One Thing and I could hear him singing softly with the music. I gripped his hand softly, loving the way it felt intertwined with mine. Then I realized I didn't know where we were going.

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