Chapter 18~ Balancing on a Flat Line

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Time. It's truly a crazy thing. It seems to move too fast when you want it to slow and crawl when you want it to fly. Every second of time means something. A second older, a second closer to your inevitable death. One person once told me, the only thing you ever have to do is die. The more I think about it, the more it is true. 

His eyes met mine, our gazes aligning. They painted a picture of sorrow, of hurt, and he looked like he hadn't slept in days. It was as if we were reading each other in that moment. Taking in the other's presence which had been missing for far too long. It was as if time had stopped and everything else disappeared and I was stuck in a trance. I didn't exactly know how I felt and I couldn't tell how he was feeling either.

Lily standing pulled us both from our state and Liam quickly shifted his gaze to the floor. I clenched my jaw and covered my mouth with a shaky hand. I watched Lily move out the door, shutting it slowly, leaving Liam and I alone. He ran a hand through his hair and looked around the room as if looking for words to say. Something inside of me snapped.

"Oh my god." I breathed at the quietest whisper I could manage. That is when I broke down. I didn't even try to fight the tears as they poured down my cheeks. Its like my will power and strength had completely disappeared. I shook my head, looking around. "No. No. No." I mumbled to myself. I had to be crazy. It's the medication He isn't here right now. "No." I put my head in my hands. I squeezed my eyes shut and gripped my head. I felt the bed dip beside me and arms wrap around me. I didn't fight it, I just gace in and let Liam pull me into his chest. I felt him rub soothing circles on my back and holding me tight as if I was going to disappear. I let my feelings rip out of me. I was so glad he was here. I missed him so much and I was miserable without him. I was currently showing everything I had kept hidden for months. I wasn't holding back. Not anymore.

I couldn't tell you how long we sat there. Minuets? Hours? I don't know. But one thing was evident. We both needed it. When my hysterical crying turned to small hiccups and sniffles is when I finally gained the strength to speak.

"Liam?" I whispered. My head was rested on his chest and he laid beside me in bed. 

"Hm?" He softly hummed.

"I am really tired." My breathing hitched and I gripped his shirt tighter afraid he was going to go somewhere.

"Get some rest, love." He spoke softly as he rubbed my back.

"Will you do something...?" My voice softened and I shut my eyes.

"Anything." He said firmly, yet with ease.

"Will you sing to me?" I whispered. He kissed the top of my head.

"Goin back to the corner where I first saw you

Gunna camp in my sleeping bag im not gunna move

Got some words on paper

Got your picture in my hand sayin, if you see this girl can you tell her where I am

Some try to hand me money they don't understand

Im not broke im just a broken hearted man

I know it makes no sence what else can i do

How can i move on when I'm still in love with you"

My consciousness was drifting as I focused on his silk like voice. Just then the door flew open. Liam and I both sat up quick, startled. I gripped my sore stomach and watched with wide eyes and Lily tried to restrain a raging Derek. When Liam caught site of Derek he stood, his whole body tensing.

"You!" Derek growled, escaped Lily's grip. He grabbed Liam and threw him up against the wall. Derek was a few inches taller, but it was obvious Liam wasn't fighting back. "What the hell are you doing here?!" Derek spat.

"Lets not do this here." Liam snarled through his teeth. I've never seen Liam like this. I expect it from Derek but not him. I felt my breathing pick up as Derek through him at the door. Liam stumbled and Derek shoved him out the door.

"NO!" I yelled immediately feeling the after effects. I leaned over, trying not to scream. 

"Natasha!" Lily ran to my side. The pain was excruciating, like a constant stabbing and burning. I tried to breath.

"STOP!" I yelled but I knew it was too late. "Stop.." I yelled weakly at the door.

***Liam's POV***

When we reached some random hallway I turned around at Derek. He threw the first punch. As it made impact with my jaw, I flew back. I didn't hesitate, slamming him into the wall. 


"YOU!" He screamed. I wanted to kick the shit of of Natasha's new boyfriend. Who the hell does he think he is?!

I punched him hard and he weakened as I tightened my grip, going in for another punch.

"Stay the hell away from my sister!" He growled. I stopped mid punch and stumbled backward. I looked around. 

"What?" His eyes widened as I questioned him. "What did you just say?!" His expression seemed worried. He was scanning the floor. 

"I..." He said, he was panicking.

"You're Natasha's-" A blood curtailing scream rang out cutting me off. All of the sudden doctors were running and yelling. Derek and I took off in the direction and sure enough the doctors were there too. We ran inside.

I immediately fell to my knees. Time slowed to a crawl. My hands covered my mouth. The sound of the flat line rang out in my ears. "No," I breathed. Lily was hysterically crying, backed up in a corner and I knew Derek was behind me but I couldn't hear anything. I snapped. I stood and ran to her side. "NO!!" I screamed looking at her limp body. "Wake up!!!" I yelled, my fists balled. "WAKE UP!" I was restrained by two doctors.

"CLEAR!" Her back arched off the table. I collapsed in the fettle position unable to watch, tears streaming down my face. My emotions were all over the place. I was crying and screaming.




Hola lovelies! 

I know you hate me now(: I will update tomorrow no matter what so don't freak out!


Love you all and thanks for the 2 thousand<3333

Love you lovelies(: 


~Amber Lynn

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