chapter 6~ Goodbye for Now

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I rubbed my eyes before finally opening them. I ran a hand through my hair and immediately decided on a shower at the feeling of my ratted hair. I jumped out of bed and shivered in only a bra and panties. After telling Lily every single detail last night I was egsausted and just ended up stripping the dress and crawling into bed. Liam sent me a text later that night that he had something to tell me tomorrow over lunch and that he would be here at noon. I looked at the clock. It was 11. Crap! I ran to my closet and pulled out my blue skinnies and black lace top. I looked at myself in the mirror, the same childish grin still plastered on my face. I didn't even remember the last time anything made me this happy. Liam was the best thing that ever happened to me. Some may say it was early to think that but I was sure of it. I hopped into the shower and sang along to the lyrics of One Thing blasting from my iPhone speakers. I slipped on my underwear and realized I left my hair brush in the bedroom so I opened the door stepping into my room. I turned the corner running into someone. Next thing I knew I was on my ass. I laughed thinking it was Lily. I looked up and immediately my laughter dissipated. Liam was standing over me laughing. He held out a hand and I used it and I noticed he was looking down and I realized I was only in my underwear! I immediately ran to the bathroom and grabbed a towel, embarrassed.

"Hey!" he said enthusiastically and I laughed. I looked at the clock and it said 11:30. "Yeah I was early so Lily just said you would be up here and let me in. I'm sorry about..." he let his voice trail off and I giggled. I grabbed my hairbrush off my counter.

"It's okay I forgot my hairbrush and I um just um..." I babbled, closing my eyes trying to think of what to say but I was too embarrassed to say anything.

"It's fine I'll just wait out-"

"No!" I cut him off. I held up my finger signaling for him to wait and I went back into the bathroom slipping on some clothes before running back into my room. Liam was looking down at his phone, sitting on my bed when I came up in front of him and pulled his chin up. He looked into my eyes deeply before closing them as I pressed a whisper soft kiss to his lips. As I pulled back he grabbed the sides of my face pulling me into him once again. He pressed his lips to mine and I felt his arms snake around my waist. I wrapped my arms around his neck. I pulled back and he reached his neck forward in an attempt to get more but I stopped him and he looked at me playfully with one eyebrow raised as if I was challenging him. I grabbed his hands off my waist and put them at his sides.

"Good morning!" i whispered with a cheeky smile and turned around skipping off to the bathroom to scrunch my already naturally curly hair and I saw him watching me from the bedroom. Gosh what he did to me.

When we got to the Cafe, we sat in the corner and talked for a while before his expression became serious.

"Now there are a few things, relatively serious things. I need to talk to you about." Liam looked into my eyes and I nodded. "First, I don't know how long it is going to take but... Sooner or later in afraid the media is going to get ahold of you. Just don't listen to anything they say and don't answer any questions. We will worry about that when the time comes." I nodded, a little worried about what that meant, but i didn't show it. "Second," he hesitated and looked down at his hands, "I've just been told that I'm going to have to be gone for the next two weeks on gigs since we are wrapping up the tour. I know it stinks! We just started going out and now I have to leave but I mean we can skype every day and I'll call you and itll be like I'm not gone and I'm sure-" I cut him off pressing my lips softly to his.

"It's fine Liam!" I said with a smile and he looked relieved by my reaction. "You are an international popstar! You have a ton to do! I get it and the last thing I want to do is hold you back!" he shook his head.

"No! You could never hold me back! And don't worry I'll be back before I give you the chance to miss me!" I smiled at his words and he pulled me into a hug. We spent the rest of the day hanging out at home with Lily since the boys all had plans. Liam and I were attempting to make the most out of the last day we had left together before he went to go finish his tour. The movie was almost over when I felt myself yawn and my eyelids grow heavy.

I was half awake when I felt Liam set me down in my bed and pull the covers over me. He kissed my forehead as I yawned.

"Goodbye Natasha. I'll be missing you." he whispered and I felt my stomach turn. As he turned to walk away I grabbed his hand and he turned around surprised.

"Don't leave yet. Stay. Im not ready for you to go." I whispered and he looked down at me. He pulled it the covers and slid into bed with me and I put my head on his chest.

"I don't want to leave you either but I need to. You know I have to." I nodded and smuggled into his chest pulling the covers up. He wrapped his arm around me and I yawned again.

"When I'm gone just remember, you are all I am thinking about." he whispered and kissed my head.

"I will. I'm just nervous." I whispered.

"About what?" Liam said confused.

"That... That you are going to go back on tour and you are going to see millions of screaming girls and realize that you can do so much better than that disturbed girl from Chicago." I whispered as quiet as I could.

"Natasha," he said looking me in the eye and smoothing my hair. "I don't deserve you! You are amazing and the most beautiful girl I have ever seen. You don't like me for my fame but you accept it. And thats why I like you and I am never going to stop liking you because of another girl in the crowd. You are so much more to me than that!" I nodded and he leaned down pressing a soft, lingering kiss to my lips and I buried myself in his chest. And with the feeling of his steady heartbeat I drifted into a dreamless sleep.

When I woke I sat up. I couldn't feel his heartbeat anymore. As I had expected he was gone. I pulled my knees to my chest already missing his human presence. I just hoped I could make it through these 2 weeks without going insane from missing his too much. I took a deep breath and brushed my curly hair out of my face with my fingers. I pushed myself out of bed and made my way to the bathroom feeling my spirit sag. When I opened the door there sat a note. I quickly grabbed it with a smile knowing who it was from.

"I'm here to stay. Don't forget that. These two weeks will go by fast and then the tour will come to an end. I have a surprise for you at the end of the two weeks. Just know I am dying to kiss you good morning right now but I had to slip out early. I'll miss you Natasha(:


And then it hit me full force. I am in love with Liam Payne. The international popstar. The boy from the ever so famous One Direction. But more importantly, the boy who saved my life. The boy who swept me off my feet and made me feel like I mattered again. Who made me feel love again. I am head over heals in love with Liam Payne.


Hey people! Short chapter... i know... but the next one will be up in the next day or so! I am getting my Macbook Pro tonight (YESSSSS!) so i will be writing much more oftin! I will be dedicating the next chapter to someone if they want so if you would like me to dedicate it to you comment below!!!

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Love you lovelies!

~Amber Lynn

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