Chapter 196 - Chapter 200

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Chapter 196: The Gifts

A few days after Ron's visit, Ellie came to the royal palace with her tea, just as her father had instructed. Although she found it strange that she had to give tea to the royal family rather than Ron's family, which she will marry in, Ellie just thought that her father wanted to expand his connections.

After a few minutes of standing outside, Ellie was let in and waited in the living room. Soon, Lilienne and Kazuki came in the room.

"Ellie! How have you been doing? I heard that you went on a home date with Ron." Lilienne teased her as soon as she saw her.

"! How did you know about that?" Ellie blushed immediately when she was teased.

"Ron told us. I also heard that the tea you served him was quite good. Just hearing him talk about it the other day made me want to have a taste!" Lilienne said, her intentions very clear. She wanted a sample of the tea to research what was in it, in hopes of finding more clues about the enemy.

"What a coincidence! I bought the tea over today to give it to you guys. My father gave these to me as a souvenir from the human world. He also gave me some vitamins that would make me healthier. I've brought them too." Ellie said as she handed the couple a paper bag she was holding. In the bag was the box of medicine and tea.

As Ron only told them about the tea, Lilienne was a little suspicious of this 'vitamin'. Nevertheless, she smiled and accepted the gift.

"So, what brought you here today?" Kazuki asked friendlily.

"Well, my father told me to share this with my friends, so I just came to give you these." Ellie replied with a smile.

"I see. Thanks! I can't wait to try it!" Lilienne replied back.

The three of them chatted for a while before Ellie excused herself since she had some homework to do.

Lilienne quickly sent the tea and medicine to the research team for them to see what it was inside. The couple then walked back to their room. However, just as they were about to enter, a maid appeared, holding a paper bag and politely said, "First Prince, First Princess, Minister Hans had asked me to deliver these to your highnesses."

"?" The two of them looked at each other. Minister Hans wasn't really close to the royal family and didn't usually give any gift to them unless it was a special occasion.

"Okay. Give it to me and you may go." Kazuki replied as he took the bag.

The maid bowed respectfully before excusing herself. The couple then went into their room together with the bag.

Kazuki then opened the bag and found a tea box and a medicine box. However, the packaging was different from Ellie's.

"What did he give us?" Lilienne asked curiously.

"A tea box and medicine box. There's also a note inside." Kazuki said as he took out the note to read.

'Dear First Prince and First Princess,

Greetings, your highnesses. It occurred to me that giving tea and vitamins are in the trend now. I believe that the other ministers have also sent you some tea and vitamins too. This tea is supposed to enrich your health. Please drink it together with the vitamins.

Yours sincerely,

Minister Hans'

The couple looked at the gift carefully and felt that it was really suspicious, so they sent the gifts to the research team too.

"Let's warn father and mother about these gifts too. We don't know who the enemy had controlled already." Kazuki suggested as he walked towards his parents' room.

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