Chapter 201 - Chapter 205

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Chapter 201: A Vacation

In the demon realm the next day

Over the last few months, Ron had been trying to convince Ellie to stop drinking the tea she got from her father but no matter what, she wouldn't. As the royal family had given him the antidote already, he was able to control his actions freely again.

"Ellie, there's really something wrong with that tea." Ron still continued to nag her as he felt worried for her. Who knows what the aftereffects of the drug was after she had consumed so much?

"Ron, there's really nothing wrong with it. My father was the one who gave this to me. There's no way he would harm me." Ellie replied, no light evident in her eyes.

Ron wanted to tell her that her father was the one that was the most dangerous. However, he wasn't sure if the enemy was directly controlling her all the time, so he didn't dare tell her that he already knew her father was the enemy.

"Anyways, I'll be going on a vacation for a few days, so you don't need to come to my house from tomorrow onwards." Ellie said.

"A vacation? I remember your school isn't closed yet, right?" Ron asked. Ron had been visiting her everyday to convince her not to drink the tea. It was still the middle of her academic term so she shouldn't be able to go on a vacation for a few days.

"Yeah. But my father had already asked for leave for me." Ellie replied.

"Where are you going for your vacation?" Ron asked, feeling suspicious.

"I'm going to the human realm. I've never been there before so I asked my father if I could go." Ellie answered.

"Should I go with you?" Ron asked. Ellie suddenly wanting to go to the human realm was really suspicious. During all the time that he knew her, he had never heard her say anything about the human realm.

"It's fine. I've already did my research on the human world, so I know what to avoid." Ellie replied.

"Okay. I'll just see you off tomorrow then." Ron nodded before continuing, "I just remembered that I have something to do. I'll be going home then."

"Alright. Bye." Elie replied as he walked to see him off.

Ron noticed that Ellie had been a little quiet and soulless for a while already. He could tell that it was probably because she had taken in too much of the drug that she became like this.

As Ron walked out of her house, he clutched his phone tightly, feeling vexed that he couldn't do anything to help her.

As soon as Ron boarded his car, he quickly dialed Kazuya's phone number. After a few seconds, the call was answered.

"Ron?" Kazuya asked.

"Kazuya, Ellie will be going to the human realm tomorrow. I think that she may be going to the enemy's hideout. Keep an eye out for her." Ron answered.

"Okay." Kazuya nodded. His knights had been trying so hard to find the hideout and this may just be the best clue. Although some of the enemy's people had been captured, all of them refused to speak, some even committing suicide before they got to questioning. It seems like all the members of the organization were forced to take the same drug given to the royal family.

"I'll tell you the time she'll go to the human world later. You can get your men to go hide at the gate first." Ron said.

"Alright." Kazuya said before he hung up. He then ordered some of his people to be dispatched to England to guard the gate.

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