Chapter 1 The escape

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Camille crept silently down to the stables where her horse Pearl and her brother's horse Dexter, were hitched. Her aunt had just given birth to a boy which meant death for her and her big brother Caspian. Though she herself wasn't in immediate danger, Miraz would still kill her for she would be next in line to the throne.

Entering the stalls, Camille found Pearl and pulled the reins over her head. Next she saddled Dexter and put the rain on him. Then taking what little things she could grab and the food she had smuggled out the kitchen in few minutes she had, stuffed them into the little side bag on her horse.

"Don't forget your weapons princess," Pearl whispered careful to make sure no one heard her.

"Right thanks,' Camille replied. She then took her bow and arrows and her sword form among the other weapons and put them over her cloak she wore.


Professor Cornelius silently crept into Caspian's room wearing a black cape.

Quickly but quietly, Cornelius woke Caspian.

"Five more minutes," Caspian mumbled groggily.

'You won't be watching the stars tonight my prince," Cornelius replied, dragging him out of bed.

The professor explained to him all that was wrong.

Caspian thought about that for a second then said, "What about Camille? I'm not leaving without her.

"I saw her slip down to the stables as I was coming here. She'll be getting the horses ready," Cornelius said, pulling him into the closet.

Caspian went in and closed the door just before general Glozelle and his men entered quietly. Taking aim, they fired till feathers flew everywhere showing that nobody was there.

Caspian cast one last look at the closet door and then followed the professor down a hidden stairwell that led to the stables. When they reached the stables, Camille was there with the horses ready.

Caspian grabbed his sword and crossbow from among the other weapons. Then the professor threw a cloak over him.

"You two must make for the woods," he instructed once Caspian and Camille had mounted their steeds.

"The woods?" Caspian questioned.

"They won't follow you there," the professor explained. He handed Caspian a horn.

Camille recognized it as Queen Susan's horn.

"it has taken me many years to find this. Do not use it, except at your greatest need,' professor Cornelius explained.

Caspian tucked it into his belt. "Will we ever see you again?" He asked.

"I dearly hope so, my prince. There is so much I meant to tell you and Princess Camille. Everything you know is about to change."

A shout suddenly arose. "Close the drawbridge!"

Caspian's horse stamped impatiently.

"Now go!" The professor ordered.

Caspian and Camille kicked their horses into gallop, and headed out of the stables. Crossing the courtyard, the two were met with the watch guards. Caspian seized a long wooden shaft and knocked down two soldiers, but Camille was nearly wiped off Pearl. Fortunately she clung onto the specialized saddle horn and tightened her legs underneath.

She urged her horse out the gate then paused Pearl when they heard the words,

"Halt! Halt! Lady Prunanprismia has this night given Lord Miraz a son!"

Camille's brother's horse reared up on its hind legs. Then a group of mounted soldiers came out after them.

"Hurry Caspian!" Camille called from a few feet ahead. she quickly adjusted herself on the saddle.

Caspian spurred on his horse and together they took off for the woods. Soon they came across a river and reluctantly the horses plunged in. Much water splashed everywhere but Camille didn't mind getting wet as she hung onto her horse.

Looking back Camille saw a soldier fall from his horse. Good. Camille thought, one less soldier.

The horses reached the bank and resumed full gallop. They were starting to gain distance.

After a while, the forest line met them and Caspian and Camille urged their horses into it's eerie darkness. No wonder the professor told them to go there. Even the soldiers were frightened about the forest. Camille and Caspian had heard stories from Professor Cornelius about how the trees came alive during the Golden Age. Oh how they danced! Camille remembered the professor saying. And the harmonies the made. How she wished she could have seen it! But other than that, there were fierce creatures that could be lurking around. Who knows? They might even be......a thud sound interrupted her thoughts and caused her to jerk her head around. Caspian was being dragged across the forest floor by his foot, which was caught in the stirrup.

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