Chapter 24: Stargazing

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Early the next morning, everyone arose to pack up and head off to the Telmarine castle. Once all was ready, the Pevensies and Camille and her brother were greeted by their mounts and a Narnian holding Destrier's reins, since he was a dumb horse. Other Narnian horses bowed to the royals.

"Greetings, your highnesses. We have come to serve as your mounts for the trip." Pearl announced.

Peter and Susan mounted Marshmallow and Comet, two white horses and Edmund climbed up onto Chestnut. Lucy smiled gently at Midnight, a black horse, then jumped on as well.

"Come on! Let's get going," Caspian called from on top of Destirer.

Camille quickly mounted Pearl and then adjusted her crown. Both herself and her brother were wearing crowns. Camille's crown was silver and had sapphires all around it. Caspian's was gold and also had jewels all around it. Camille's dress was colored a bit like Edmund's outfit. It was all orange and had a big white stripe down the middle. Around her waist was a brown belt. Basically, it was the same outfit she had worn when Miraz's army had arrived at the How.

Once everyone had lined up, the group started out. Aslan was in front and behind him rode Caspian and Camille, then Susan and Peter, and lastly Edmund and Lucy. The other Narnians followed behind. Soon they arrived at the castle and townspeople came out to cheer and greet the Narnians as the group rode through the town and to the castle.

Overhead, fireworks exploded, sending their beautiful colors up into the sky to paint the blue atmosphere.


That night, a magnificent ball was held in honor of the new king and queen of Narnia. Everyone was having a splendid time either dancing on the ballroom floor or laughing with each other as they chatted from the sidelines.

Up on the castle's balcony, Camille stood with her face turned up to the sky. Watching the stars always reminded her of her parents. Her mom loved to take her and her brother out to see them. Then, after mom and dad had died, the two siblings had often snuck out to stargaze themselves or with the professor.

Camille remembered quite well what her mother had once said. Something like, the stars will lead you to your destiny. Camille still wondered if she was right.

"Here you are. I thought that with all the excitement downstairs, you'd be joining the others." Her brother's voice said from behind her.

Camille turned around and smiled. Caspian stood there in a similar blue suit that matched her own puffed sleeved ball gown.

"Do you remember what mother had said about the stars leading us to our destiny? What do you think that means?"

Caspian came over and looked up at the stars. "I really don't know Camille. But I have a feeling we're about to find out quite soon."

"Let's go down to the celebration, shall we?" Caspian held out an arm for Camille.

Camille gladly took it and together they descended the staircase. Up above, the stars twinkled like a million fireflies as if they were saying 'destiny awaits.'

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