Chapter 12: Preparations

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Edmund got up from where he sat and followed everyone out of the Stone Table room. He was starting to really like Camille. In fact, it drove him crazy when she was around.

He went out to the practice grounds and found Camille there firing arrows. Man, she was good. And pretty too.

Camille stood in a gorgeous emerald green dress. She wore a breast plate which was carefully wrapped with leather straps that secured the plate snuggy around her chest. Beneath the chest plate was her mail shirt. It hung nicely on her slim shoulders. On her arms were bronze arm guards.

Edmund headed over to her.

"You're pretty good," he commented as he approached.

Camille looked at him, "Thank you."

"Um, Camille?" He asked slowly. "You are a very brave girl."

She blushed. Her hands were getting hot. "I am the Lionhearted Princess of Telmar."

"So I've heard," he put a hand on her shoulder. "Be careful, Camille, in the raid."

"I will."


Camille quickly ran over to Pearl.

"Camille?" Pearl asked.

"We're going to raid Miraz's castle tonight," Camille informed.

"I remember you guys talking about that but isn't that a bad idea?" Pearl asked cautiously.

"It is, but this is all Peter's decision."

"Well, be careful then."

"Oh we certainly will," Camille agreed.

"May I come?"

"Well, no, because your white coat will be easily seen," Camille explained.

"True, well, good luck then," Pearl wished Camille.

"Thanks, Pearl, we'll be back, I hope."

Camille, the Lionhearted Temlarine PrincessWhere stories live. Discover now