Chapter 19: The Battle Plan

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"Cakes and kettledrums. That's your next big plan?" Trumpkin asked.

Camille and the others had gathered around the Stone Table. Peter had just explained to them the plan of attack. Lucy, since she was the youngest, wasn't safe here and they needed Aslan's help.

Trumpkin walked around the table to where Susan and Lucy were. "Sending a little girl into the darkest parts of the forest? Alone!" He continued.

"It's our only chance," Peter protested.

"And she won't be alone," Susan added.

"Haven't enough of us died already?" Trumpkin asked looking at the girls.

"Nikabrik was my friend too. But he lost hope," Trufflehunter spoke up. "Queen Lucy hasn't. And neither have I." He spoke the last part with confidence.

"For Aslan." Reepicheep announced.

"For Aslan!" A bear echoed.

"Then I'm going with you," Trumpkin told Lucy.

"No. We need you here," Lucy gently told him.

"We have to hold them off until Lucy and Susan get back," Peter instructed.

Caspian and Camille shared a look then Caspian spoke up.

"If I may?" He spoke up from his spot between the professor and Camille.

Peter gave him a nod.

Caspian stood up, "Miraz may be a tyrant and a murderer but as a king, he is subject to the traditions and expectations of his people."

"And there is one in particular that may buy us some time," Camille finished.


Camille walked down to where her weapons were and picked up her sword. This upcoming battle would be the hardest for her but even harder on the Narnians. They had already lost so many.

The sound of footsteps reached Camille's ears. But Camille knew it wasn't Susan. Susan had gone out to train more Narnians as archers.

The footsteps finally entered the room and came to a halt.

Camille looked up to see Edmund watching her. She flushed then looked back down. "I heard you offered take the challenge out to Miraz," she said softly.

She heard him smile. "Yes," He replied, "Someone had to do it."

Camille could sense the awkward silence stretch out between them after that. Camille bent down to pick up her bow and arrows when Edmund spoke again.

"Camille, I, um, I'd like you to come with me," He stammered.

She turned around to look at him again and noticed that he was right next to her.

"You know my uncle hates us," she pointed out.

"So I've heard, but you'd be safe as long as you're with me," Edmund responded.

She looked at her hands.

"Please Camille," Edmund asked.

"Alright," she finally consented.

"Be ready in a couple minutes," he instructed before leaving.


Edmund left the room in somewhat of a daze. Ever since he had met Camille, Edmund had found carrying a conversation with her quite hard. He always ended up stuttering even if she was just in the room. Edmund wondered if his siblings had noticed.

Edmund came out of the How to wait for Camille. The fact that she was still scared of Miraz frightened him, though he had assured her that she'd be safe. He intended to be sure that she was.

Edmund gazed over the grassy field. He was starting to think that he actually liked her. He loved how optimistic she was and the way she fought with a sword was stunning. She was gentle and tender-hearted but she was the kind of girl nobody could mess with. He also liked how brave and ready she was to face anything.

"Ready to go now?" Camille asked, suddenly materializing next to him causing him to jump a bit.

"Yeah, um, let's, uh, let's go," he managed to say as he stood up.

Together, the duo headed off to meet up with Wimberweather the giant and Glenstorm. Then they headed off to Miraz's camp.


Miraz and General Glozelle watched Edmund, Camille, and two Narnians walk towards their camp through a spyglass.

"Perhaps they intend to surrender," General Glozelle said thoughtfully as Miraz lowered the spyglass.

"No. They are much too noble for that," Miraz pointed out.

Miraz looked at him as General Glozelle looked back at the approaching Narnians.


Edmund stood in front of Miraz and his men holding a large scroll in front of him to read. Camille stood rigid beside him.

"I, Peter, by the gift of Aslan, by election and by conquest, High King of Narnia, Lord of Cair Paravel and emperor of the Lone Islands, in order to prevent the abominable effusion of blood, do hereby challenge the usurper Miraz to single combat upon the field of battle," Edmund read. "The fight shall be to the death. The reward shall be total surrender."

"Tell me, Prince Edmund..." Miraz started to say as the boy in question rolled up the scroll.

"King," Camille interrupted.

"Pardon me?" Miraz asked, confused.

"It's 'King' Edmund actually," Edmund countered. "Just King though. Peter's the High King,"

"I know, it's confusing," Edmund put in after a moment of confused silence.

"Why would we risk such a proposal when our armies could wipe you out by nightfall?" Miraz questioned.

"Haven't you already underestimated our numbers?" Edmund questioned back. "I mean, only a week ago Narnians were extinct."

"And so you will be again," Miraz jeered at them.

Camille clenched her hands and gritted her teeth. She didn't like that comment from her uncle. "Well," she replied cleverly, "you should have little to fear."

Miraz laughed evilly, "This is not a question of bravery," he stated.

"So you're bravely refusing to fight a swordsman half your age?" Edmund quipped.

Miraz leaned forward in his chair. "I didn't say I refused."

"You should have our support, Your Majesty," a Lord interjected causing Miraz to look at him. "Whatever your decision."

"Sire," Lord Sopespian spoke up, "our military advantage alone provides the perfect excuse to avoid what might otherwise be..."

Miraz stood up abruptly, "I'm not avoiding anything!" He protested.

"I was merely pointing out that my lord is well within his rights to refuse," Lord Sopespian explained.

"His Majesty would never refuse," General Glozelle spoke up from beside the doorway. "He relishes the chance to show the people the courage of their new king."

Miraz looked at Edmund and Camille then he pointed his sword at Edmund. "You should hope your brother's sword is sharper than his pen."

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