Chapter 8: Girl in the Woods

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"Camille, hey Camille," Caspian whispered softly. It was nighttime and he and the army of Narnians were going to raid the Telmarine camp for weapons, but Caspian thought that he should inform Camille first.

Camille rolled over and pulled her cloak closer around herself. "Caspian?" She asked. "What is it?"

"The army and I are going to raid the Telmarine camp now. I need you to stay behind with the others," Caspian replied.

"But I want to go with you," Camille winned playfully like a little kid.

Caspian laughed softly, "No, you're needed here to gather provisions for our travel."

"Ok, I'll stay but you better be safe."

"Don't worry, I'll come back," Caspian assured her.

Then he got up and followed the other Narnians into the fading night. Camille watched him go, she wanted to go with them but she had another idea in her mind.

"Pearl, wake up," she called softly to Pearl who was sleeping nearby.

Pearl lifted her head. "Yes, princess?" She asked.

"Don't call me princess anymore, I'm just Camille now and so is Caspian," Camille informed Pearl.

"Oh sorry, Camille," Pearl apologized.

"Let's go exploring."

"But Caspian said to stay here and collect provisions," Pearl protested.

"You heard us, didn't you?" Camille asked, smiling as the sky started brightening up to dawn.

"A horse can hear anything, even when they're asleep," Pearl told her. "Let's go."


Edmund and his other siblings along with Trumpkin, wandered down a small path in the woods. The siblings had arrived in Narnia vía Susan's horn when it was blowed in the Shuttering Woods. The magic horn had transported them the ruins of their former castle of Cair Paravel where they had obtained their weapons from the royal treasury. Then the Pevensies came upon a dwarf two men in armor where going to drop into the water. After a mighty rescue, they saved the dwarf and freed him from his bonds.

They had learned the dwarf's name was Trumpkin who told them of Susan's horn and the fleeing Telmarine royals.

Now they were surrounded by overgrown bushes and ferns which didn't help them much in walking. It was more like wading through knee-deep water. Lucy stepped on a twig and made it snap while leaves crunches noisily under Edmund feet. What a noise the group made! Behind them, Tumpkin plucked his way through some ferns. Up ahead Peter and Susan walked side by side through some trees.

"I hope we don't run into some Telmarines," Edmund heard Susan say to Peter.

Despite the fact that the path was overgrown in some places, Edmund and Lucy admired the surrounding scenery.

All around them, trees stood with moss on their trunks. Overhead, the tree branches grew towards each other, seeming to form an archway of vibrant greens and browns. To Edmund's right was the gorge and to his left was....more trees. How boring. Then something caught Edmund's eye. Lucy saw it too. It was a creature white as pearl with majestic wings. Though Lucy couldn't see the rider quite well, Edmund did. She had stunningly gorgeous brown hair that went nearly past her waist. When she looked his way, Edmund saw her eyes. They were light brown almost like the color of chocolate. Edmund wondered who this beautiful girl was and why he could see her well even though she was far away.

"Edmund," Lucy said, startling him out of his thoughts, "who is that?"

"I don't know, Lu," Edmund replied.

Suddenly, the white thing took off past them and was seen no more. 

"What was that?" Susan called from in front of the line.

"I saw a streak of white," Peter said from beside Susan. He stopped as the others caught up to them.

"We saw it too!" Lucy exclaimed but Edmund didn't say anything. 

Trumpkin just looked at them. He hadn't seen anything.

"We saw a white horse with wings and a girl with brown hair but I didn't see her that well," Lucy went on to say.

"Umm, a winged horse? But didn't winged horses go extinct?" Peter asked.

"Well, there's no way of finding that out now," Susan stated.

"Let's get moving and find Caspian and Camille."

Camille, the Lionhearted Temlarine PrincessWhere stories live. Discover now