Chapter 26: A King and Princess Missing

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Morning arrived at the palace and all was hectic for the servants. But the royals had something else on their minds.

"Lucy! Peter!" Susan exclaimed hurrying down the hallway. Peter emerged from the living room and Lucy the library, holding a book in her hands.

"What is it Su?" Peter asked.

"Edmund is missing. He wasn't in his room this morning when I checked," Susan explained.

"Maybe he went to the fencing grounds," Lucy suggested.

"It's too early for that Lu, besides he wouldn't go there on a day like today," Susan pointed out.

"You're right," Lucy replied.

Just then, Caspian came up to them. "What's up?" He asked.

"Edmund's gone," Peter informed him.

Caspian rubbed his chin thoughtfully. "Hummm, so is Camille and Pearl. I just checked all Camille's usual places, and she's not in any of them. I wonder..."

Caspian was starting to think that she had slipped out to see the stars. It was a thing for her and himself to do, but how come she didn't wake him up like she usually did. Could she have possibly taken Edmund with her instead? He looked at Peter and noticed that he was thinking the same question.

"Caspian, you don't suppose..." Peter started but didn't finish. Caspian just nodded.

"Suppose what?" Lucy and Susan chimed together.

"I think Edmund went out with Pearl and Camille," Peter explained.

"Is that how they got out of the castle without the sentries knowing?" Lucy questioned.

"Exactly. Pearl could take them over the walls without going through the castle doors,"  Caspian replied.

"So how are we going to start the coronation without Camille?" Susan asked.

"I don't know but let's give them a few more minutes." Caspian then turned around and went back to his study and everyone else went back to what they were doing before. Susan followed Lucy into the library.


Camille and Edmund lay snoozing on the grass as the morning sun arose. Pearl lay between them with her wings covering the two of them like a blanket.

Suddenly, Camille jerked awake causing Pearl to wake up too.

"Edmund!" She cried, alarmed. "I'm late!"

"Late for what?" Edmund asked, not getting up when she shook him.

"My coronation, Edmund!" She cried again.

This time Edmund did sit up. "That's right! Quick! Let's get back there."

Pearl immediately jumped up and Camille adjusted the saddle on her. When the two had hopped on, Pearl took off to the sky her wings flapping quickly.


The sky suddenly darkened in the living room and library for a split second as if an eclipse was happening. The Pevensies and Caspian ran outside to see what happened. They were met with Pearl landing in the castle courtyard.

"You two are late," Susan said, disgusted.

"Sorry Su," Edmund apologized as he helped Camille get off. Then he dismounted and went over to her.

Camille led Pearl over to her brother.

"So you went stargazing without me, eh?" Caspian asked quietly.

"S-sorry Caspian," Camille stammered.

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