Chapter 27: Goodbye?

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The morning sun rays broke through the misty night air and flooded through the castle, filling every corner with its refreshing rays. As the rays filled the courtyard, Caspian stode out the main castle door and down the stairs. Camille was close behind. Caspian glanced in all directions. He and camille were looking for the two oldest Pevensies. Camille remembered Lucy had said that they had gone to meet up with Aslan to discuss something important. Camille spotted Peter and Susan walking with Aslan a little ways off and nudged her brother, making him turn see them too. Camille wondered what they were talking about. Both looked a little down and Susan looked like she was crying.

"We should let them talk." Caspian whispered to her then turned to leave.

Camille was about to follow when Aslan called them.

"Your Majesties?" He asked.

Caspian paused before answering. "We are ready. Everyone has assembled."


In a larger courtyard outside the castle, everyone gathered in front of a mid-side platform with a large tree behind it. Behind the tree itself was a long vertical drop.

Camille stood to Caspian's right as she looked out over the crowds of Telmarines and Narnians. She wore a silky white mermaid dress with flowery designs on the bodice.

"Narnia belongs to the Narnians, just as it does to man. Any Telmarines who want to stay and live in peace are welcome to." Caspian spoke to the crowd who were muttering quietly among themselves.

"But for any of you who wish, Aslan will return you to the home of our forefathers." Camille added and Caspian winked at her.

"It's been generations since we left Telmar." A man in the crowd spoke.

"We're not referring to Telmar." Aslan informed them, "Your ancestors were seafaring brigans. Pirates run aground on an island. There they found a cave, a rare chasm that brought them here from their world. The same world as our kings and queens." Aslan gestured to the Pevensies standing off to the side. "It is a good place for any of you who wish to make a good start."

"I will go. I will accept the offer." General Glozelle spoke up from the crowd after a moment of silence in the crowd.

Caspian nodded to him as he stepped forward. Then Lady Prunasprisma answered, accepting the offer. She stepped with an older man. "So will we," she said.

Camille and Caspian watched them walk up to the platform a little unsure about them leaving. "Are you sure, Aunt?"Camille asked.

Her aunt squeezed her hand with her free one as she cradled her son in the other. "Don't worry about us, my dear. Your grandfather and I will be safe. And I'm sure you and your brother will have great life here. Count on it." She reassured Camille.

"Because you have spoken first, your future in that world shall be good." Aslan told them. He breathed on them and then he turned to a tree. Loud gasps of surprise arose from the crowd as they heard the tree split down the center and began to unwind before their eyes. The tree stopped turning and everyone could see that there was a large hole in the center. The trio glanced at Aslan and the Telmarine siblings before they walked up to the tree and disappeared into thin air.

Caspian stared at the tree in shock as the people in the crowd murmured to themselves.

"How do we know that he's not leading us to our death?" A man in the crowd asked aloud.

"Sire, if my example can be of any service, I will take eleven mice through with no delay." Reep piped up.

Peter shared a look with each of his siblings before stepping forward. "We'll go." He told announced.

Camille, the Lionhearted Temlarine PrincessWhere stories live. Discover now