Chapter 5: At Miraz's Castle

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Professor Cornelius headed into his little library with a few books in his hands. Lord Miraz was waiting for him.

"You have quite the library, doctor," Miraz commented when the professor entered the room.

"Is there anything particular you seek, my lord? Professor Cornelius asked, setting his books down.

"I think I have already found what I'm looking for," Miraz replied, coming over.

"in one of my soldiers!" He exclaimed, slamming an arrow onto the desk. The arrow stuck a picture of four horsemen with crowns on their heads.

"What do you know of Queen Susan's horn?" Miraz asked sitting down.

"It was said to be magic," the professor explained.


"The Narnians believed it could summon their kings and queens of old. At least, such was the superstition."

"And what does Caspian and Camille know about this superstition?" Miraz asked leaning forward.

"My lord, you forbade me from mentioning the old tales."

Miraz walked around the desk to the professor. "So I did."

"I will say this, if Caspian and Camille know of the Deep Magic, my lord would have a very good reason to be nervous," Professor Cornelius told Miraz.

Two soldiers who were waiting outside, came in and they took the professor outside to the prison. Lord Sopespian walked out of the professor's library and General Glozelle went up to him.

"First our prince and princess," Lord Sopespian said to general Glozelle, "now their tutor. If the members of Miraz's own house are not safe, are any of us?"

"Lord Sopespian!" Miraz called.

Lord Sopespian and General Glozelle looked at the library door and then the general scolded Lord Sopespian. "Those are dangerous words, Lord Sopespian."

"But these are dangerous times, general," Lord Sopespian protested. "One should choose his words as carefully as he chooses his friends."

The two walked into the library.

"How long until the bridge is finished?" Miraz asked when they came in.

"Construction continues on schedule," General Glozelle reported.

"That's not good enough. I need my army across that river now," Miraz ordered.

"May I suggest you contribute some of your own men?" Lord Sopespian suggested. "I've only so many at my disposal."

"A fact you'd be wise to remember," General Glozelle commented from near the doorway.

"Go to Beruna. Take as many troops as you need. We must get to Caspian and Camille before they do," Miraz commanded.

"'They', my lord?" Lord Sopespian asked.

"It's time you learn your history."

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