Chapter 3: A House in the Woods

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Camille quickly jumped off her horse when he managed to dislodge his foot. "Pearl, go hide in the bushes nearby." She whispered quietly to the horse as she dismounted.

Obediently, Pearl dove into the bushes as Camille ran to her brother.

"Are you ok?" She asked.

"I think so," he replied.

Then, a nearby door opened in the trees.

"They've seen us," a voice said.

Two dwarfs came out and one ran towards Caspian with a knife at the ready.

"No! Please!" Camille exclaimed, horrified.

Suddenly, the sound of many horse hoofs came into hearing range and then they were in view.

The red-headed dwarf looked at them, then said to the other, "Take care of them," then he rushed to the soldiers, twirling his knife.

Caspian, taking a quick glance at Camille, seized the horn of Queen Susan and blew it.

"No!" The black-haired dwarf exclaimed. Then he knocked Caspian unconscious.

"Seriously?" Camille retorted.

"Bring him into the house," the dwarf just said.

Grunting softly as she hoisted Caspian onto her shoulder, she followed the dwarf inside the little house. Her brother was a lot heavier than she expected.

Gently, she put him on the bed. It was a small thing. Only big enough for a dwarf, half of Caspian's legs were off the bed completely. Camille had to laugh at how awkward he looked.

The room itself was incredibly detailed and designed. Intricate markings covered the walls and the ceiling had the most uniquely carved wood she had ever seen. Was this the home of the Narnians? 

Camille, the Lionhearted Temlarine PrincessWhere stories live. Discover now