Chapter 20: Flirting Royals

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Caspian stood on one side of Destrier, his horse, fixing the horse's saddle strap. Camille stood on the other side as she helped Lucy get situated behind Susan.

"Destrier has always served me well. You are in good hands," Caspian assured Susan. He looked up at her.

"Or hooves," Lucy punned.

Camille snorted causing Caspian to grin slightly.

"Good luck," Camille then told the girls.

"Thanks," they replied.

Caspian was quiet for a moment before he took something out of a pouch from his side.

"Look," he said softly to Susan in a flirty kind of way. "Maybe it's time you had this back." He held up her horn.

"Why don't you hold onto it. You might need to call me again," Susan attempted to flirt back as she looked down at him.

With that, Susan spurred on her horse and galloped out of the How.

"'You might need to call me again?'" Lucy questioned.

"Oh, shut up," Susan called back to her.

Back in the How, Caspian watched them go. He was really liking the gentle queen of Narnia.

Caspian quickly shook himself out of his daze and looked behind him expecting to see Camille, but she wasn't there. He figured she had gone out to get ready but decided to check on her anyway.

As he came closer to the armory, he heard familiar voices in an awkward conversation. Edmund and Camille were talking together and Edmund was stuttering again like he always did when Camille was around. Caspian thought that the whole ordeal was amusing.

He stopped just in front of the door to the room to eavesdrop.

"I, um, I, uh, um," he heard Edmund stammer.

"You're, uh, you're, um, you're beautiful Camille."

Caspian winced. That was an epic fail. Camille wasn't the kind of girl to fall for such a flirtatious comment, was she?

"Uh, thank you," Camille replied.

Yup, she didn't get it. It was pretty obvious that Edmund didn't know how to flirt right.

"You don't look bad yourself," Camille joked causing awkward laughter to erupt.

"Well I, um, I," Edmund continued to stutter. "I, um, uh, I, uh, I didn't, um, I didn't mean that." He was beginning to look like a nervous wreck.

Caspian heard Camille chuckle at his predicament. He looked around the corner in time to see Edmund rub the back of his neck nervously.

"What did I just do?" Edmund mumbled to himself, but it was more like a groan.

Camille put a hand on his shoulder. "Don't worry," she assured him, "I know exactly what you meant."

"I'm, I'm, um, uh, I'm so sorry," he stuttered again.

Camille laughed. "No need to apologize," she gently told him.

Just then, Caspian decided to step into the room. When he did, he cleared his throat causing the two to jump away from each other. That's when he noticed that they had been standing too close to each other for his comfort. This is awkward, Caspian thought to himself.


Camille watched Edmund stammer out an apology making him look like a really cute nervous wreck. To be honest, she found it quite amusing. Stuttering happened to be something he did whenever she was around. He had somehow managed to not stutter when they had carried that proposal of a dual to Miraz.

She laughed. "No need to apologize," she then told gently him. She noticed an embarrassed blush on his face.

Just then, someone behind them cleared their throat.

She and Edmund jump away from each other. They didn't want to be seen so close together but it was too late, the person had already noticed that. And that person was Caspian.

Caspian shot them a smile that only Camille noticed. "Excuse me, did I miss something?" He teased as he came over.

Edmund started stuttering like crazy again. Now he was really embarrassed.

Camille gave her brother a good nudge in the ribs.

Caspian grunted softly when she did that and corrected himself. "Oh, right, aren't you supposed to meet up with Peter?"

However, Caspian couldn't quite wipe off the crooked grin on his face.

"Uh, um, I, uh, of course," Edmund managed to spit out despite his previous embarrassment.

The Telmarine siblings watched Edmund as he stumbled dumbly out the door of the armory. They shared a glance before following after.

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