*A Saved Deleted Scene*

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A magnificent ball was held in honor of the new king and queen of Narnia. Everyone was having a splendid time either dancing on the ballroom floor or laughing with each other as they chatted from the sidelines.

Camille was one of the people on the sidelines. She was busy watching Lucy and the professor dance. Camille smiled at them. Lucy liked the jolly old man especially his stories of the Golden Age and had immediately befriended him.

After a while, Caspian came up behind her. "Well, Queen Camille, the Lionheart, watching the dancers this fine afternoon?" He addressed her in a teasing tone.

"There's nothing else to do, King Caspian, the tenth," she replied, using the same manner of address he did her.

When she said that, he looked down.

"Something wrong?" She asked looking at him.

Caspian sighed, "I can't hide anything from you."

Camille shrugged, "I'm your younger sister, it's my specialty."

Caspian laughed quietly. "I guess so. You do have somewhat of an ability to read my mind like words on paper. Care to dance?" He held out his hand.

She smiled, "Gladly."

She accepted his hand and pick up the end of her dress.

Together, brother and sister went out onto the dance floor.

"So what's wrong?" Camille asked.

Caspian sighed again, "I just want to be a good king. Like our father." They moved into the center.

"You're already a great king, Caspian. You saved all of Narnia from our evil uncle Miraz and his men, and help the Narnians regain their freedom. What king would have the courage to do all that?" She gently told him.

"I couldn't have done it without you, thanks for always believing in me," Caspian smiled down at her.

"You're welcome."

Off to the side, Peter watched the two. Susan walked over followed by Lucy who had finished her dance and conversation with the professor. Susan looked across the room and noticed Edmund standing alone watching Camille, as usual.

"Those two really need to get together," Lucy commented when she saw Susan and Peter looking at the same spot.

"If we could think of something," Peter thought aloud.

"Wait! I have an idea," Susan exclaimed, an idea forming.

She whispered her idea to Peter then to Lucy.

"That ought to work," Peter nodded.

"Let's do it then!" Lucy clapped.

Susan smiled and made her way over to Edmund. She talked to him a little while then pulled him onto the dance floor. Peter and Lucy also went out into the crowd of dancers.

"I can't believe you made me do this," Edmund sighed.

Susan just laughed while innocently and unnoticeably moving closer to where Caspian and Camille were dancing.

Meanwhile, Camille noticed that Caspian kept looking at Susan.

"You really like her," Camille commented with a smug expression.

Her brother took on a red hue causing her to laugh.

"Don't worry, you won't get in trouble on my watch," she looked over to where Susan was talking to Edmund. Then added, "Why don't you dance with her and not me?"

Camille, the Lionhearted Temlarine PrincessWhere stories live. Discover now