Chapter 9: I Wish Mother and Father Were Here

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Camille and Pearl arrived back at base camp before Caspian and the others had returned. They found an apple tree with ripe golden apples. Camille grabbed her sword and gave the tree a good whack with the hilt of the blade. The two had fun running around catching the apples that fell.

It was a while before Caspian came back.

He went up to her as she was putting a huge bag of apples onto Pearl. "Hey sis!" He called.

Camille looked up. "Hey Caspian, we found this big apple tree full of ripe golden apples." She tossed him one.

He bit into it. "Hmm, sweet," he commented munching the chunk of apple.

"Now, let's take these to the camp. We're one day's journey from the How," he said after finishing his apple bite.

Camille nodded, they had taken up residence in the How since that was where the Narnians where camped. She tossed an apple to Pearl before hopping onto her. Pearl caught the apple with her mouth. Then trotted alongside Caspian.

About an hour later they got to camp.

"What provisions did you find?" Caspian asked.

"Not much, sire," they responded. "We'll have to go find more for tomorrow."

"Well nice effort."

"I brought apples!" Camille exclaimed carrying her heavy burden over to the other sacks. "Golden Delicious!"

Everyone cheered, then went back to setting up camp.

When camp finished, it was nearly nightfall. Camille sat on the soft grass with her cloak over her shoulders. She shuddered a little. It was a bit cold and a cool breeze fluttered through her hair. But the stars were out and they winked back at her. They reminded her of her mother. She remembered how her mother would always smile at her and encourage her. Camille wanted so much to be like her mother when she would be queen.

Caspian came over with a bowl of soup. "Here, this will warm you up," he said, handing it to her.

She smiled and gratefully took the bowl. "Caspian?" She asked after a sip. "Do you think mother and father are happy about us fighting for the Narnians?"

Caspian looked at the ground and shifted uneasily. He knew how much Camille missed their parents, but what could he do? They were dead. "I'm pretty sure that they are, Camille," he responded.

"I wish they were here," Camille sighed.

"So do I Camille, but you have to be strong. There isn't much else we can do about that now."

"I'm trying, but it's hard sometimes." She looked at the bowl in her hands.

"Your title is 'the Telmarine Lionhearted Princess," Caspian noted before leaving.

Camille took another sip from her bowl. If she was the Lionhearted princess of Telmar, she would have to live up to it.

Camille, the Lionhearted Temlarine PrincessWhere stories live. Discover now